Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What goes around, comes around (Mr. Davnie personally tried to screw weazl, but gets screwed himself. Fascism sucks),

May 22, 2007 -- Exiling U.S. diplomats to Iraq. Helsinki's newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, is reporting that William Davnie, the Press and Cultural Affairs Counselor at the United States Embassy in Helsinki, was transferred from Finland to Iraq in early April after he had policy differences with U.S. ambassador Marilyn Ware. Davnie speaks fluent Finnish, a language for which he will find little use in Baghdad.

WMR reported on Ware on Sept. 1, 2006: "One of the biggest wastes of money has been on the security upgrade to the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki, Finland. The embassy, located in the tranquil harbor area of Helsinki and facing picture post card views of ferries connecting Helsinki to Stockholm and yacht basins, has a double security fence complete with 360 degree pan, zoom, and tilt cameras disguised as street lamps. No other embassy in Helsinki, including the Russian and British embassies have any security so elaborate. Not surprisingly, the U.S. ambassador to Finland is a big time corporate donor to the GOP -- Marilyn Ware, the former Chairman of American Water Works Company, a firm that is attempting to privatize public sector water utilities around the world. A neo-con, Ware is an alumnus of the International Republican Institute and the American Enterprise Institute. She also was co-chair of Tom Ridge's gubernatorial campaign. Ware can rest assured that with the millions spent on the security at her embassy in Helsinki, she does not have to worry about attacks by passing Finnish, Swedish, or Estonian ferry passengers."

Marilyn Ware: Neo-con shrew exiles dissenting U.S. diplomat in Finland to Iraq

With Ware's neo-con links, it is obvious why William Davnie now finds himself on the neo-con Nazis' American version of Hitler's "Eastern Front."

Original article posted here.


Anonymous said...

What is the background on your previous encounter with Davnie, weaz?

Da Weaz said...

I was organizing a panel discussion to discuss US policies, and had arranged a number of prominent people to discuss the legality of the "War on Terror," and had had discussion with both Colleen Graffy and John Bellinger of the State Department, who were excited about coming. But little Bill Davnie thought that it might turn into a "bash America" discussion, even though the people involved were quite prominent and it was sticking to pretty legal issues. Nevertheless, before State Department officials give presentations in foreign countries, they have to pass it by the local embassy. And when they did that, Bill Davnie sunk it. I talked to him, asking why he was doing that given the prominence of the people involved and the expressed interest of the State Department folks, and he replied, "Well, I just don't want to do it." When I asked for further explanation as to why, he just said "I don't want to do it." When I said that the failure of the US to adequately explain its positions may contribute to its ever growing worse reputataion, he then hung up on me.

He's now off to Iraq, apparently not goosestepping enough.

Oh well . . .

Ducky's here said...

Marilyn Ware, the former Chairman of American Water Works Company, a firm that is attempting to privatize public sector water utilities around the world.

How many people realize that water is a resource soon to be more precious than oil and a resource which is at the root of the Israeli/Palestinian problem?
Although with all the welfare checks we send Israel I don't know why they don't build desalinization facilities. What are they spending all that money on?

Da Weaz said...

Unfortunately, we're running out of everything all at the same time.