Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pretty good ad Presidential ad


The Freewheeling Socrates said...

Bill Richardson is part of the new world order. He secretly slips the handsign, Il Hornuto, and is a participant in the Bohemian Grove.

Ron Paul is the best hope for the country.

Da Weaz said...

Well, I definitely wasn't endorsing him, but I do think it's a pretty funny ad.

And yes, I like Ron Paul. Anyone who makes the fascists wince and scream as much as he has over the past few weeks is a friend of mine.

The Freewheeling Socrates said...

It IS a funny ad. I really lit up when I saw it on the Lou Dobbs Show.

I actual feel unhappiness when I imagine the ad will attract many voters to his side.

Richardson is just another Nazi fuckin' shill.

Da Weaz said...

Well, if that's your fear then I wouldn't worry about it. Ron Paul, by nearly all polls, won TWO Republican debates and still hovers at the whopping 1%. People seem to only be picking a choosing from a few candidates logic and appeal be damned.