Sunday, November 19, 2006

Weazl's Words of Warning

After this monumental tsunami of discontent that flushed away the majority rule of the Rethuglicans in both the House and the Senate, leave it to the Left to quickly reveal why it's been out power for so long. Without going into detail there seems to be an almost paranoid response of some leading members of the alternative media to address 911 issues, buying into the moronic braying of the mainstream press of such people being "unhinged," while quite often themselves revealing the most livid, visceral and authoritarian behavior, in the meantime. The most beautiful thing about it though, is these same people scream to high heaven at authoritarian behavior of the Bush Administration, its numerous lies, and its assault on the Constitution, while seemingly being completely paralyzed and uncritical of the justification, mythology and manipulation of the raison d'etre for the very events they howl about. And it seems to be a matter of decorum about raising such issues, while the Right uses such mythology to kill Iraqis every day. And while it appears quite clear that Israel knew about these events, as did many other nations' intelligence services, these same gatekeepers would have you believe that criticism against Israel is anti-Semitic, though that nation has virtually unfettered access to all branches of the US government.

If one stands for peace and justice, simply put, one cannot fail to criticize the brutality that Israel launches on the Palestinian people. And simply repeating the mantra of terrorism obfuscates the fact that for every Israeli killed in an act of "terror" more than 100 Palestinians are killed by Israeli terror.

And if someone cares for ending the war in Iraq, then one must be willing to look at the cause of war in Iraq. If one wants to understand the exit strategy in Iraq, then one must understand the entry strategy into Iraq. And if one silences inquiry into these matters because of some faux sense of delicacy regarding the attacks on 911 then one does a disservice to every issue near and dear to the progressive Left worth fighting for. For if the attacks against the nation were completely legitimate, then perhaps it would be a reasonable inquiry to assess what price civil liberty should be exchanged for security. But, on the contrary, if this was a lie, then protection against the government should be increased rather than decreased in the wake of the attacks. Less rather than more deference should be accorded the government. Less rather than more authority should be delegated to the President. And given all of the unbroken abuses of trust, stonewalling, secrecy and lack of accountability of this Administration, only a fool would trust that this Adminsitration has the American people's best interests in mind. And the Left shoots itself in the foot by five years out, being a information gatekeeper on the biggest fraud hoisted upon Americans in its history.

Weazl for one is sick of the people, especially of the Left, who fail to explain and examine the events of 911 but feel empowered by consdescention wrapped in ignorance: people unwilling to read books, assess evidence and engage in reasonable debate. They offer not much help in a struggle for a better world. They simply bark at the symptoms of a declining democracy but are too afraid to look at why and how we got there.

Anyway, this letter is simply a challenge. Weazl is laying the gauntlet to those who would enable the Administration and others to ignore discussion and accountability regarding 911 by their passivity and silence: If you cannot read books and educate yourself about the events of 911, then you simply have no right to claim any offense by its commission. If the deaths of those people cannot cause you to investigate the reasons why, then they couldn't have really mattered so much. And if the events are too tragic to look at, then its you who have enabled the even larger crimes to have taken place ever since. It is to be expected that the goosestepping Right would bark down invectives on those who question the government's "theory," but weazl is frankly disgusted and mortified by people who call themselves progressive who do the same. And if this drives away the buzzflash folk (to the extent that they mirror the can't touch this issue response of the buzzflash founder and editor Mark Karlin), then so be it. And if someone wants to think that not showing Israeli atrocities is better than raising awareness in an area where there is a US media blackout, then fuck off, sip Starbucks, and talk about the latest Paul Krugman article, blog on, and feel like you're changing the world by having people vote Democratic rather than Republican. And yet you little people talk about myopia!

The world is burning itself up right now, in case you haven't noticed. The ice is melting, seas are dying, and fish are running out. And these silly little wars and political games for the last remaining drops of oil take your attention from the larger picture: namely, that if humanity is going to live or die, it will largely be dependent on working together. And the very nature of the Bush doctrine works to prevent this. And except for the very rich, most of Americans will, in the longer term, be destroyed rather than empowered by these policies. And getting to the bottom of 911, punishing the perpetrators, and charting a different course, is a prerequisite towards actually addressing the biggest picture. And simply watching the tail wagging, gleefully clapping when it wags left, and bemoaning when it wags right, overlooks the reality that the dog is about to shit on you. Sorry.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have really put your finger right on a big problem. At first, I was excited by the concept...(I wasn't aware of digg). Almost immediately upon becoming active on the site, I was really disturbed by some of the vitriolic reactions to certain topics. Even more disturbing was the attitude (apparently of management) that those who didn't like this bias should just "f-off and leave." Some democracy. I am getting pretty close to taking their advice. Thank you for providing rational commentary.