Sunday, November 19, 2006

Watch This Video and Remember "Comverse" is business owned by 911 Profiteer Jacob "Kobi" Alexander

For more information, click here.

And ask yourself, why don't the media put the pieces together? Ask yourself, why don't even so-called progressive media sources like buzzflash even discuss it?

One thing is for sure: it is not by accident. And these are further questions for which we need answers. As well, as finding out what Jacob Alexander knows, who, weazl submits, is a key to cracking 911.

But this is unlikely to ever happen? Why? Well besides the obvious reason that it would expose US government foreknowledge, planning, and coordination of 911, it would also expose the extent to which the Mossad, and Israel have completely penetrated all aspects of US intelligence services, something the government would be quite embarassed about. Hence a wall of silence. A lot of blather about National Security, yet not a word about the entity that completely listens to all information, even by the Intelligence Services themselves. And so, yes,they can be called "our allies," but know every step the US takes, and could expose 911 perhaps better than anyone in the government itself. Hence the wall of silence will stand strong. But please follow the case of Jacob Alexander to watch in full bloom how a story is managed and buried.

The information that Jacob Alexander has, and the Mossad has, and the Israeli government has, that likely outlines all or many aspects of planning, coordination and operation of 911 by US officials could bring down the entire Bush government and anyone who was involved in 911. This may help explain why Bush has NEVER taken a position even SLIGHTLY critical of Israel, and why he and his Administration can be expected to NEVER do so in the future. While Israel is unlikely to ever do so and it would in fact be their own version of the "nuclear option", it appears clear that Israel could inform the public of every aspect of government involvement in 911. What does Israel get for its silence? You guessed it. Whatever it fucking wants.

And maybe this helps clarify a few things: if the Israeli government knew that it had gotten info on this fraud that could be used to blackmail the US government, then wouldn't it then WANT to send the "dancing Israelis" to videotape the event or "document" the event, especially if a military cargo jet (as has been reported, a jet with no windows) was the first to hit WTC. Wouldn't a nice videotape of the attack really help support Israel's claim if they ever needed to execute the "nuclear option." Could this also help explain why the Bush Administration repudiated an entire generation of Middle East peace strategies of serving as a neutral observer, but crafted its "Clean Break" strategy to basically repudiate all past agreements between Israel and Palestine, and basically allow Israel to unilaterally dictate all aspects of a supposed peace deal? (Peace has worked pretty well so far).

Weazl doesn't know all the answers, but rather raises some questions. Jacob Alexander knows the answers, but the US doesn't want to go and snatch him up, relying on the Namibian criminal justice system to dictate whether the United States is able to seek answers to the biggest attack in its history. CIA, NSA, special forces, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines cannot march into Namibia and grab the person who could perhaps single handedly crack 911. And if he didn't want to talk? Isn't that what waterboarding, electric shock, sleep deprivation and sensory deprivation is all about? No, better to use that stuff on some Afghani peasants and Uzbek shepherds that the fuck with Mossad agents, and Israeli intelligence assets and institutions. This stinks to high heaven. As Richard Clark said, "Your government failed you. [He] failed you." Let weazl add: "The media has failed you. The progressive Left has failed you," as well.

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