Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sunday Special: HypoChristians

Ted's position on homosexuality?

The allegation?

The response?
Full 9News interview (after brief commercial)
The revised response

The Last word


Da Weaz said...

Attaboy, Soc. Been too quiet.

Jeez, I have to told my tongue on this fraud. Once I get started, I'd never stop with this hypocritical, self righteous, bombastic bastard.

Da Weaz said...

Every time I watch his first response, I get more pissed at this lying sack of shit.

Da Weaz said...

Jeeez, I'm so fucking tempted, and would be more inspired if this little typical hypoChristian were on this thread, so we could expose his nasty little vices, with his smug little smile, telling people he knows the truth, a truth that he was a fraud, a huckster, trickster, liar and a joke. Never drink? Right. Never did drugs? Never right now. A sick belly bottom baby boy blaming others for his bad little deeds. A liar, a deceiver, doomed for death by his own demands for damnation by trangressing his bullshit book of babble Babel-inspired bubbles filling his Bible. Self hating charlatan selling snake oil to empty headed vessels such as the Seven Headed hydra, moron seeded, dirty deeded Bushmonkey devil. Add Teddy to Foley, Bushie, Condie, Rummy, Dickey, KKKarly, the list of the twisted, tortured purveyors of deathly debased skeletons, remnants of morally vacuous killers and destruction sanctioning enablers. The crop have conspired and will cheer the hanging of a man who was one of their own, their response to the Ayatollah, Dummy Rummy shaking hands with the enemy, presiding over rivers of blood, watching scaffolds on which they would swing in a just world that they work to destroy. Ted's just a Bible toting geminate of clammy handed, clean headed, boy toy, Guckert-Gannon lickspittle probing wherever he's told in places even more nasty than White House press conferences, obviously well acquainted with the Rethug prereq of a fecal flavored tongue, coprophagic, coprolagniac, apocalyptic, and apodictically idiotic.

Just wonder what kind of epiphany his spawner of five now has with her "Pastor Ted" now the next national laughingstock? Maybe the little revelation would be that loving thy neighbor as yourself might allow you to let your neighbor love as he or she sees fit. And fraudulent fakir will have funny flashback when fulminating with Dawkins about the origins of the universe. Silly little monkey asserted that "Maybe when your grandchildren look at this tape they'll laugh at what you're saying."

Dawkins responds, "Wanna bet?"

weazl thinks that he'll take a pass.

Good enough, Soc?

Anyway, back to real life.

Da Weaz said...

Well, Soc, despite the absence of comments, people ARE coming. Pretty much over two hundred people a day come here. And last week, over a thousand came on two different days (one day over 1,400).

They are quiet, but they come. You can check down at the map to see, for example.