Saturday, October 07, 2006

Recommended Footer To Add To Emails

NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have
no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the
current President.


Anonymous said...

How do you know that it was added by Gmail and it is not something that the author attaches to the bottom of his or her emails like a signature???

I highly doubt that Google would have known when a email is read by Gov officials and if it did I doubt that the Gov would allow it to add such a warning.

Da Weaz said...

I don't know, but I found it worthwhile to post. I don't know if the author added it, but I do know that google has been quite critical of this president. So if you type "failure" and "asshole" and press "I feel lucky" you'll see what I mean.

One thing is for sure, google HAS taken a stand against the government, eg. when the government asked to see google records, google refused. So maybe it was the author, and maybe not. I post it, and you could decide whether you think so or not. But Google has probably a lot more info about it than the author, and it would be quite easy for google to realize that some emails have certain words like "terrorist" and "terror" that would warrant NSA attention. So before I would be dismissive, I simply would keep options open.

Anyway, my guess is google. Yours can be different.

Da Weaz said...

By the way, I ask you to re-read this line:

"I doubt that the Gov would allow it to add such a warning."

The statement is simply absurd on its face. How could the government disallow it to add such a warning? Do you think the government can prevent such a warning? If so, then you really are ready to live in a dictatorship.

Da Weaz said...

Well, THJ, you were right! The person told me that he added it to his footer, and suggested that more people should do the same as well.

I will revise the article accordingly.