Saturday, October 07, 2006

9/11 Truth: Thermite & The Case for Controlled Demolition


Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing those videos to our attention. It is becomming clearer and cleares as more and more people present evedence that these toweres were demolished. One can compare the loads of evidence with real "conspiracy" theories. "Conspiracy" theories generally tend to focus on a small ammount of central evidence and are almost grasping at straws as they attempt to develop and argument around them.

Here there is so much evidence that one only need let the evidence speak for itself.

I have attempted to contact the poster of the video of Youtube to see if I can get sources for their citations in the videos.

The one critical thing that I have about all of these videos that have circulated the internet is that they should, like a written thesis paper, show the viewer the exact source of their information. Otherwise one can make anything look believeable with the type of video technology we have today.

Da Weaz said...

The entire movie is called 9/11 mysteries, which I have shown on this site. If you want real information, much, much more than can be found in the movie as a whole, all you need to do is go here:

and click on the presentations.

There you will learn a lot.

Da Weaz said...

As far as sources go, the information is out there and has been. All you have to do is look for it.

Da Weaz said...

And as far as the film 9/11 mysteries goes, here's the link: