Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Beware of Liars, Warmongers and Buffoons

The sad likelihood of a confrontation with Iran may be seen in the United States' ridiculous response to the North Korean nuclear test. As reported by the Moonie-owned Washington Times, some "unnamed US official" casts doubt on the reliability of the explosions, suggesting that the North Koreans detonated TNT instead. But how could they do otherwise? For to accept that North Korea developed nukes on Bush' watch should then, as the Washington Post notes, "be regarded as a failure of the Bush administration's nuclear nonproliferation policy." Never mind that the veracity of the North Korean's nukes have been confirmed by Russia, is causing great anxiety in China and India, and is causing both Japan and South Korea to contemplate military action. Yet the apparent reticence about the United States to recognize North Korea's nuclear success would highlight the ultimate hyprocrisy in the so called Bush doctrine of pre-emptive wars: How can you justify attacking a country that by every estimate is years away from developing a nuclear bomb, when North Korea CLEARLY has developed them and is even threatening their use? You cannot. So you do what the Bush administration has done each and every time confronted by a major policy disaster: deny, lie and avoid. And while some wishful thinkers like Alex Jones thinks that the North Korea bomb has derailed an Iranian invasion, weazl thinks the opposite. Weazl agrees with the title of the apty headed article "Ambling towards disaster," in that Bush and the happy henchmen will let no bit of reality or hypocrisy derail their double zero longshot roulette wheel bet that an Iran strike can save (or stave) them from the humilation and potential prosecution that they would otherwise be liable for. Weazl thinks that Americans should realize that Katrina has shown the indifference that the Bush cabal actually has for American lives, and the sakes of soldiers are only marginally more important than African Americans waving white flags on roofs when their own hides are at stake.

And let us not overlook the obvious: attacks on Iran can certainly shift attention from our other foreign policy success, Iraq, where just yesterday 60 bodies were found across Baghdad, the result of our Guatemala style death squads.

Of course, it is the major media's job to recognize the shift from diplomacy that the Bushies took to cause Kim Jong-Il to cease his Albright inspired moratorium on nuclear enrichment, and thus develop the bomb. It's the media's job to remember the many pleas of Kim Jong-Il to engage in bilateral, direct negotiations with the United States that Bush rejected. And it's the media's responsibility to play the following clip from July AGAIN AND AGAIN:

But given the abject failure to do its job, the criminal regime can simply go on to the next disaster, unafraid of being held to account for its prior blunders.

So, yes, the "State of Denial" (ring a bell?) of the administration towards North Korea should point all of us to be on even greater lookout for an attack on Iran, as the Bush Cabal's reality gap grows and grows.

And weazl has back in March, analyzed militarily the confrontation between Iran and the US in an article that he wrote, entitled "Closer to Armageddon." Sadly, from the point of view of our troops who will be sent do die for yet more lies, the Iranian capability has greatly increased since then. (See, e.g. Lunacy approaching Reality)


Gert said...

Excellent post. Completely on the button.

I couldn't help pissing myself when ollie North put forth his "theories" on N.Korea on Fox. These guys would be funny if they weren't so dangerous...

jurassicpork said...

Thank God we have George Bush, a champion of multilateralism.


Bwa ha ha ha ha!!!!!!