Monday, March 20, 2006

Countdown to Armageddon . . .

Today was supposed to be the announcement of the latest step towards the dismantlement of the US imperial designs, namely the opening of the Iranian Oil Bourse, an exchange that would allow petroleum commodities to be priced in Euros rather than Dollars, a phenomenon that could weaken the US’ perhaps greatest and least recognized export. Subject of much debate against and for its effectiveness, the plans have nevertheless been shelved, perhaps indefinitely, as a heightened level of warmongering begins.

But Thursday seemed to be the launching of the media blitz towards Armageddon, with major players in the Bush Cartel (Bush, Bolton, and Rice) singing minor variations of the same song. Even behind the scenes, the message was the same. Former President Khatami announced that he received word that an American militry strike will begin in April.

How disasterous will this be? This attack may actually change life as we know it. First off, unlike Iraq, Iran actually HAS stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. Secondly, Iran actually has missiles that have extended range capable of hitting Tel Aviv and is close to extending the capability to reach Europe. Thirdly, Iran has already suggested that if attacked it will launch missiles at Israel, and attack Saudi Arabian oil fields and US bases in Iraq, and would shut down oil shipments traveling through the Straight of Hormuz. Fourth, clerics such as Muqtada al-Sadr have announced that if the US attacked Iran, they would move to defend Iran. Finally, it is quite possible that Iran ALREADY POSSESES nuclear weapons because while Iran surely has not yet the capacity to enrich uranium by itself, it simply would have to have purchased fissile material from the open market. Given some of the quotes that President Ahmadinejad has made about "wiping Israel off the map", it is a threat that should not be dismissed or taken lightly.

Yet while Western Europe does nothing but accomodate the Washington warmongers, other nations have quietly (and not so quietly, in one case) coalesced to form a significant block against US intentions. While playing the public role as frustrated negotiator, Russia has been involved in an intense military buildup with Iran that will make life much, much more difficult for the Israel-US projected attack, a quiet relationship that has gone on for quite a while now (2001, 2002). Meanwhile economic powerhouse China has taken a clear stand. By announcing it's intentions to enter into a $100 Billion 25 year lease of Iranian oil fields, it is sending a clear signal that it views its stragetic interests implicated in Iran, and is willing to take a stand, despite Washington's threats. And with China's massive foreign reserves of US dollars, it has the capacity to cripple the US through economic domination.

Venezuela has been the most vocal of the nations willing to punish the US for its aggressiveness. After the failed CIA inspired coup against President Chavez, he has barely hidden his contempt for US policymakers. Towards that end he has threatened transfer of oil shipments to China "in the wake of US aggression" by Bush, has entered into new economic relations with Iran, and is angering the US by attempting to increase its military capacity.

Yet how are the warmongers responding to the significant alliances that would surely result in pain and suffering to both the US and global economies, and perhaps a death knell to the already crippled American military? Denial, of course. Denial even in the face of Pentagon war games that have concluded that THERE IS NO POSITIVE MILITARY OUTCOME FOR THE US IN IRAN, (an unofficial example conducted by military experts for Atlantic Monthly may be seen here, and discussed here) and alternatives to war suggestions from the highly placed Zbigniew Brzezinski. But seem to have already finalized plans for attack. (see January 2nd entry) . Of course, denial has been a signature mark of this administration that refuses to take responsibility for its actions and ignores massive evidence of environmental damage. And many observers have charged that the United States seeks to enter into war with Iran in order to demonstrate its ability and willingness to use tactical nuclear weapons. As it stands, radioactive waste from Iraq is already contaminating Europe, and the environmental effects from the first Gulf War have yet to be factored into an increasingly alarming trend of global warming. But its clear that the United States has little concern for radioactive contamination, even as the government knew of damage to American military personnel and chose get rid of those who revealed the harm. Insted we're left with raving lunatics ready not only to join the ranks of the infamously murderous regimes of Stalin and Hitler, but drive home the final pegs in a mindless five year drive towards American self destruction.

So what can we expect upon an attack by the lunatics? At a minimum, an extreme oil shock that will perhaps precipitate a global economic slowdown; potential retaliatory bombings on Israel, a "tactical" nuclear attack upon Iran (with nuclear weapons larger than those used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki), significant American military losses, economic retaliation on the US by Venezuela and China, and nuclear fallout extending far and wide upon an already strained global ecosystem.

This is serious, folks.
(If you have a bit of extra time, you might want to check pages 55, 57 and 63 of the Atlantic Monthly war games exercise to get a sense of how planned the propaganda was that we are now being exposed to. This was written in 2004)


Da Weaz said...

I wish I could believe Western Europe is on "the other side," but I just don't see it. In fact, I see a new Chancellor of Germany trying to mend fences from a previous administration, I see a France also trying to mend fences with the US as a rebound from domestic problems with Muslims and a political crisis from a failed "yes" vote on the European Constitution, and I see former Eastern block countries with right of center governments (Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria), who haven't yet realized that there's not much benefit to being a US client state. And then of course there's Berlusconi's Italy. I hope I'm wrong, but Europe seems far more passive and fractured than what you suggest. On se verra.

Da Weaz said...

Reading is FUNdamental:

Buy a map. Iran is not some little island in the South Pacific