Once again, the lunatic warmongers try to defend themselves against the world. As weazl wrote earlier regarding the Pentagon's desire to find ways to wire up fish and bugs for military purposes, the Pentagon now wants to create land based lasers to blow enemy satellites out of the sky. This will just be the latest in an attempt to fully weaponize space for American advantage, a plan that currently extends to 2020, and will effectively wipe out the 1967 treaty that was designed to keep space peaceful.
Lockheed Martin, TRW, and Boeing are the three leaders feeding at the public trough for this project.
This has simply fueled Russian missile development and innovation, and certainly has added to Iran's impetus to innovate and purchase missiles that can aid in its protection. In short, the incessant drive of Washington to invest more and more wasteful spending on weaponry, simply galvanizes the world community to innovate to prevent Washington from even further disparities in power, and simply drives the US towards an inevitable economic crash reminiscent of the Soviet Union that simply could not afford such expenditures over an extended period of time. One thing is clear about the Bush cabal: they have never seen budgets that they cannot bust, and they are no students of history. This does not bode well for those who care about the economic viability and prosperity of the United States in the long haul, as its profligate militarism will inevitably cause it to crash into an economic tree.
I agree that this has propelled Russian ballistic missile technology.
The SS-25 or Topal M is probably the world's most advanced ballistic missile and with multiple warheads it isn't going to be defeated/stopped with existing anti-ballistic missiles.
Still, I'm more worried about someone with 1 nuclear missile than someone with hundreds.
Russia knows that we both can still annihilate the planet with a nuclear exchange.
Still, I'm more worried about someone with 1 nuclear missile than someone with hundreds.
Don't quite understand the logic here, but at least we agree on some other stuff.
A person with 1 nuclear weapon isn't concerned about MAD.
They are more likely to use their nuclear weapon in an act of terror. This is has been used to justify building an antimissile defense. Stopping a massive launch from the Soviet Union would be impossible but stopping a single launch would not be.
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