Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Dr. Strangelove Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Trust the Pentagon

Just another day to explore the depth of psychosis and delusion of the war criminals who are looting the US treasury on a daily basis. In constant denial over their inability to crush the spirit of the militarily overwhelmed but prideful and no longer disillusioned Iraqi people, the Department of Defense is trying to dragoon fish and bugs into its ever shrinking "Coalition of the Willing", an assortment of rented pawns that allows improverished countries like Mongolia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Albania and Kazakhstan to make new pitches for development and military "aid" and thereby justify the existences of their armed forces. Yet, apparently the the Coalition of the Shilling just isn't enought to defeat those pesky Iraqis despite the fact that the war's over (but apparently the Iraqis didn't get the message), and so Mother Nature and good ole American know-how will fill the void.

The fabulously medacious Rumsfeld, apparently sick and tired of those global "dead enders" is now trying to implant devices in or otherwise alter both insects and sharks to wage war instead of good old fashioned American boys who might just die and then have mothers demanding accountability like Cindy Sheehan. It's no irony that the bible thumpers who refuse to fund or extend stem cell research that has shown dramatic responses in patients with paralysis, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's and Alzheimer's diseases on pseudo-religous grounds now don't mind altering God's creatures when the outcome is killing more humans who don't buy into Dubya and Co.'s grand imperial plans to avert the looming peak oil calamity.

Yet this is a truly special breed of moron. Realizing that they are completely despised in Iraq, the warmongers are nearly successful in achieving what astute observers have been prognosticating was the US' goal for quite a while: namely, pushing for civil war. And even Saddam Hussein, locked up and facing the death penalty in a kangaroo court, is able to see the truth more clearly than the bought and sold corporate media, who obliviously regurgitate the Administration's incessant untruths without the slightest scepticism.

Yet it is clear that no amount of black op bombing of Golden Mosques will cause Iraqis to hate each other more than they hate the occupying forces. As has been clear from the start, the current Administration has no idea of how to win this war of aggression and occupation. And trying to wire up fish and bugs is not going to be the silver bullet to save the morons from the many messes of their own creation.

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