Friday, March 31, 2006

Closer to Disaster . . .

Not much new. The UN Security Counsel permanent members drafted a resolution demanding that Iran abandon its right under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty to suspend uranium enrichment for civilian usage, with the belief that Iran must somehow "prove" that its motives have no military use. The resolution demanded that Iran halt all uranium enrichment within 30 days. Yet the major powers were completely divided on any sanctions to be imposed on Iran upon lapse of the 30 day period, with China and Russia demanding no santions ensue to Iran. And, as to be expected, Iran refused to give up its rights under the treaty, despite the fact that it remains open to further diplomacy. Neverthless, the march towards the inevitable can be seen by Iran's decision to conduct a massive war games exercise in anticipation of confrontation, including the testing of new missles.

Weazl has analyzed in greater detail the prospects regarding a confrontation between engagement of the United States and Iran. And even the oil markets have reacted. Yet perhaps it is instructive to recall some of the dialogue in the 2004 documentary, The Fog of War, made about rehabilitated war criminal Robert MacNamara:

He emphasized this point with a terrifying story about an interview he had with Fidel Castro in 1992 in which the Cuban leader revealed that there had been 162 Russian nuclear warheads on the island at the time of the crisis. McNamara asked Castro whether he knew this, and he replied that he had.

"Did you recommend that the Russians use them?" McNamara had asked.

"Yes, I did," Castro said.

"And what would have happened to Cuba?"

"It would have been totally destroyed."

Taken from the Harvard Gazette

The point is that when pushed towards certain desperate positions, rational people can choose annihilation. In fact, this is what MacNamara himself acknowledged:

"Rational individuals: Kennedy was rational; Khrushchev was rational; Castro was rational. Rational individuals came that close to total destruction of their societies. And that danger exists today."

Taken from Wikiquote
And we find ourselves at a place where the warmongering of the United States causes Iran to pursue a similar path of self destruction in the face of very few viable options. And their strong resistence despite clear threats by the United States reinforces what weaz wrote earlier about the likelihood that they already have nuclear weapons and would launch them at Israel. As has been stated many times, the decision to pursue a suicidal path of destruction is not necessarily irrational nor a sign of mental instability. And as discussed in the Fog of War, the reason why a worse outcome wasn't pursued during the Cuban Missle Crisis was the result of cooler heads willing to face a difficult choice in choosing peace and negotiation, a path that seems dangerously absent from this crop of American advisors.

Perhaps the best advice the Administration could heed would be from former president Dwight Eisenhower, a two term president, General of the Army, and the first Supreme Commander of NATO, in his warning about the rise of the military industrial complex. (the full version may be heard here)

Unfortunately, the inmates are running the asylum, and real leaders like Eisenhower seem long dead and gone. Now we seem to have apocapytic morons heading us straight for disaster while many of us rant from the sidelines and the world's leaders sit in silent appeasement.

Yeah, not much was new.


Da Weaz said...

On the Donut thing, she's full of crap. There is no "Paul", just a plug in to a wall. Her lies are exposed by the fact that she's been bragging about her upcoming so-called marriage for two years, then writes "it was a spur of the moment thing." A few days ago she was over here and tried to crash the site (in fact you were on line when it occured talking to doc). Goes to show how much weddin' plannin she was doing.

She's just a sad sort begging for attention, and it's nice that she's gettin' some at FPM. Trust me, no place else.

As far as Chavez, if Bush attacks, even the slightest shard of a democracy is finished in place of banana republic dictatorship. There is no Congressional authorization for attack against Venezuela. The Neo Cons are probably just angry because Venezuela would be easier to take down than Iran. But even Venezuela would be quite difficult. Chavez has threatened to redirect oil in the face of an attack on Iran, so it's probably in response to that. But can you tell me your source on the Naval manuevers?

Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting little piece on corporate corruption and privatization of state assets:


Da Weaz said...

Thanks "grunt" (I have a tough time calling you that). Yeah, I am pretty familiar with information clearinghouse. Don't check it everyday, but some of the links on this site certainly link there. Thanks for the info. Seems like more a bunch of arms flapping and noisemaking than an actual operation.

And, there is no excuse, other than an addiction to death and destruction (and an unquenchable oil thirst)

Da Weaz said...

Well, I must say I have a great deal of respect for you, largely because you don't use your Vietnam experience as a club to silence discussion. And yes, I've looked into the Kennedy assassination and it is quite interesting that literally some of the same players in Diem's death were involved in Kennedy's. And so should it be a surprise that we find ourselves where we're at and with whom we are? I don't think so. Mike Ruppert calls it a disease model: untreated diseases left unchecked continue to grow until they take the life of the host. Our life is being sapped by this untreated disease, and boy is it picking up speed!

And yeah, trying to "wake up the blind masses" seems to be weazl's mission. Weazl would much rather be driving fast cars across Golden Gate Bridge, playing tennis (believe it or not), and talking it up with splendids at the Redwood Room, but seems like more important things are in order. Hence this blog. Weaz in some strange way feels its not a choice but a duty. Largely because he feels time is running out quickly. But I guess you see my point. And I guess that first shower must have been heavenly, hunh?

Da Weaz said...

Well, Diem isn't Kennedy. And the US, to respond to Garrison's investigation, revealed many, many Castro plots, so I'm not sure as much was at stake regarding the death of another foreign leader. Even though with Castro, it was only attempts, the CIA had already killed Patrice Lumumba, a fact that Malcolm X had brought great attention to (and perhaps one of many reasons for his own downfall).

Anonymous said...

Some people who have written to this blog seem to have a hard time grasping why it is that so many people around the world have come to hate the current US policies. I’ll try to pitch in and offer a perspective from someone who is a European, who has lived in a few countries (also the US) and who has met a great number of people in many countries around the world. I am not trying to (pompously) portray the collective opinion of all the people outside of the US, but simply summarize what I have learned in discussions with many people form many places.

Many people around the world do not like the United States because in our eyes your country does not show due respect to the others. You often act unilaterally; do what is in your national interest without considering how that affects not only other nations, such as Iraq or Afghanistan, but the world community at large. You did not, for instance, ratify the Kyoto Agreement because, you claimed, it was detrimental to the American economy. I mean come on, we as humanity are facing an unprecedented global threat, and you prioritize the needs of the (already affluent) American companies over the people of this planet!

The same applies to your contemptuous attitude towards international law. By international law I refer to a set of laws and treaties set collectively by the nations of the world to maintain peace globally. This is what the concept of sovereignty, a guiding principle in international affairs in the post-WWII world, is all about – preventing one country from attacking another at will, based on their own standards. If you claim that you can attack Iraq because you dislike its rulers, no matter what the United Nations thinks, then who is to tell Iraq, Iran, China or Russia for that matter not to attack the United States in case they feel that your government is not to their liking. This is exactly why we need the United Nations – in order to come up with universal standards of what constitutes right and wrong in the world and how to act to rectify these wrongs.

You blame us Europeans for being socialist and old-fashioned with our welfare states and social security programmes, with our non-military approaches to conflict solving and poverty reduction. As we look at the US, we see the exact reason to why we want to pursue our kind of politics: You have huge income inequalities. You have a poor underclass that well exceeds that of any state, including the poorest, in Europe. You spend your money on weapons, fighter jets and bombs, when your own people are starving (in what you call a civilized, modern state).

And what do you get with these guns? What have you achieved in Iraq? The country is in a de facto state of civil war, and has become the world hub of terrorist activity. You have created a breeding ground for terrorists with your private companies killing innocent people randomly, with your soldiers raping and torturing the locals. Iraq is more dangerous, less democratic, less safe than before you attacked them. You speak of promoting democracy when the history of US foreign policy since WWII is a standing testimony for fighting against the democracy. You have supported authoritarian dictators (such as Saddam Hussein) and given them guns and funding. You have given guns and money to right-wing militias that have fought those people in their lands who wish for democracy. Look at what you did in Vietnam. You were fighting against people who for centuries had fought for freedom from imperialism. You were the number one enemy of freedom for the majority of the Vietnamese. And they beat you because they loved their country. You said that you were fighting the evils of communism there. Well, the communists won. What harm have they done to you since then, the Vietnamese?

You say that you are the country of the free. You have amendments that guarantee you freedoms of speech, opinion, and organization. Yet, what happens when people use their freedoms in a way that does not please those in power? Millions of people have protested peacefully against your foreign policies in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and now. Your apparatus of violence does not tolerate these people. They are attacked and arrested. Freedom of organization: in the heady days of the Cold War and McNamara, you could get arrested for expressing socialist political views. Socialist political gatherings were constantly attacked. What about the freedom of the press: Not only have you printed and distributed falsified information in Iraq, but your government gave direct orders to the press reporting from Iraq to play down the amount of the civilian casualties. You have implemented homeland security laws that stand in direct conflict with those liberties that you say you cherish.

I am not an American, so it is easy to dismiss me for perhaps not knowing enough about your land. But when somebody who is an American, like the author of this website, tries to expose some of the hypocrisy and neglect of your government, you blame him for being anti-American, a traitor. Yet it is the most fundamental right and DUTY of any citizen in a democratic state to challenge his or her leader. A critical civil society is the engine that keeps a democratic country running. When those discordant voices, like the ones of the author of this site, are suppressed and silenced, you are entering a similar path that you claim to have fought for so long – the path that argues that there is only one truth and one agenda.

I am a graduate student of international politics and I have lived and studied in the United States, the United Kingdom and currently in Helsinki, Finland. And I can say that there are beautiful elements and inspiring people in all of those countries, definitely not least in the US. Many of us here in Europe are forever thankful for that generation of Americans that risked and lost their lives in WWI and WWII. But the America we see today is not that America. You have become, to many people around the world, the world’s most dangerous state. We fear you. We feel that being a superpower entails not rights but responsibilities. And those responsibilities start at home. Instead of attacking independent and sovereign states outside of your borders, you should spread welfare to those millions of Americans who lack it. Every country is as strong as its weakest links. You have so many downtrodden people in the US that you do not qualify to spread welfare to others.

And besides, America is home to the best musicians in the world, among them him who once sang:

“Come you masters of war
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build the big bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly

Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain

You fasten the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
As young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud

You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins”

Anonymous said...

This Link is for JAJINKA. Although, you don't have the courage to read it. Do you?

Anonymous said...


Rational individuals: Kennedy was rational; Khrushchev was rational; Castro was rational. Rational individuals came that close to total destruction of their societies. And that danger exists today."

And we find ourselves at a place where the warmongering of the United States causes Iran to pursue a similar path of self destruction in the face of very few viable options.










Your rush to support any movement that opposes the United States, regardless of it's political position, violence, history of abuse and cruelty, or morality, reveals your sickness. You are mad with a hatred that overcomes your rationality. That lack of rationality undoubtedly infects your personal life the way it infects your blog.

You are an evil soul, sicked by your own bile. And worst of all, you are attacking the finest country ever to unfurl a flag, The United States of America. You are a traitor to the millions of people who gave their lives to wrest Liberty from the hands of tyrants. You are a traitor to the country that protects and nurtures you.

I see your soul turning black like a frozen limb. Good.

(doc is not fond of weasel)


Da Weaz said...

doc, whatever you think of me and my politics, you have the opportunity to respond to intelligent people who take you seriously. Instead, you rattle off the same things that you've been writing from the start.

And you can never seem to find a support to your statements, such as the suggestion that "open history" contradicts what McNamara himself said. Sorry.

Anonymous said...


Your entire thread reveals the deeply flawed nature of your educational background. It does so by never mentioning the most terrifying evils confronting mankind: Marxism and Islaam.

Nothing you say makes sense if one honestly evaluates Marxism and Islaam. For example, it would be easy to see why Europeans are angry with America if you realize that they are deeply infected with Marxist propaganda, and that socialism, in all of its manifestations, has failed miserably.

All that collectivism produced, after over 100 years of socialist history, is graft, poverty, brutality and propaganda. That Propaganda is all that you know of socialist history

The horribly failed Communist experiment has left behind it an angry, disillusioned, politically lost generation. That's you! And even more unfairly, your educators have passed their heartbreak on to you by failing to teach you about the murderous, oppressive, and completely incompetent nature of Communism.

The only countries that are rabid America haters are heavily socialist. France, Germany, Russia, and China were our main detractors in the Iraq thing. They have also been the main arms suppliers for Islaam (including nuclear), and perpetrators of the Oil for Food Scandal criminals involved with Saddam Hussein.

They are desperate to save what is left of their basket-case economies, and supporting one of the most heinous dictatorships ever to show it face on the planet did not bother them a bit.

Yes, yes. Now you are going to tell me about American chicanery. Some of which may in fact be accurate. But your description will not factor in that we were fighting Communism.

Now you’re going to tell me that communism was only an excuse to invade various countries and inject American Business interests. I have no doubt that American Business' were favored in political overthrows. How could it be otherwise? But that is not the point.

The point it that Communist governments executed 200 million of their own citizens during the last century in an effort to get the Communist System to function. They imprisoned tens of millions more. They instituted internal secret service agencies that spied on every single citizen. No life was safe from the KGB or Stasi. People were beaten, tortured and shot for the most trivial of infractions.

Children were made to be informants against their parents. The ownership of a book or radio was enough to land you in the Gulags for life, which was a very brief stay. Artists couldn't write or paint without fear of execution. Travel was out of the question. Communist citizens lived their lives in terror looking over their shoulders for the dreaded secret police.

And all the time the much vaunted new socialist economy was a dreadful failure. The bread-basket of Europe starved for 75 years. "From each according to his ability and to each according to his need" absolutely did not work.
It still doesn't work...Anywhere!

That is the oppressive failure that Americans would not allow to take over the world. You, living in Europe, were once again protected by the United States of America. If it had not been for us, you would be living under KGB rule.

And once again, you are ungracious. We squandered our riches on you. We bled our precious blood for you, and you are still ingrates!

This time it will be different. We are going to let the Muslims have you. In fact, they already do have you, and there is nothing that we can do about it. We will have to fight them in an all out battle. That battle will partially fought out in Europe, and it will be nuclear.

Given the century of warfare that we dedicated to your freedom, and your lack of understanding, you deserve what you’re going to get.

I know that your beliefs stain you too deeply to wash clean in one thread, but just keep what I have said in mind.





Da Weaz said...

Jeffie, do you ever even attempted to say anything intelligent?

Do you believe you can? Other than just mouthing of geomilitary predictions like you're a pom-pom waver at the high school basketball game?

Does you ADD allow you to even finish a book? If so, which ones. (Impress us)

Da Weaz said...

Hey, Jeffie, while you're trolling, trying to impress us with your red white and blue, please answer the following question. If the USA is so great, and Europe and the rest of the world so, please explain this:

Anonymous said...


the commies did not win the Vietnam War. America slaughtered them like the animals they were. Due to public pressure at home, America withdrew from Vietnam. The indoctrinated, misinformed idiots at home managed to do what the scum-sucking commies failed to do in years of fighting.