Friday, June 05, 2009

Weazl's Return


BFlow said...

Good seeing you...literally. Age hasn't caught up with you as much as me. I will start by saying my knowledge of geopolitical activities/motives/etc. is not expert. It would be useful, perhaps, to list in summary form areas in which you think the current executive branch is seeking to further the previous executive branch's agenda. I realize you touched on this in your video, but reading it sometimes makes it gel more effectively. The perception I have, stateside, is that the tenor of things has changed dramatically. That there is a dramatic change in focus on the middle and lower classes with regard to healthcare and education. It seems as if Barack could be criticized, however, with being too pragmatic in some instances. Not confronting the increasingly desperate right wing enough for fear of ripping the country apart or not getting some of his more important plans accomplished. I also suppose there may be some truth to the notion that this country is like a giant ship that can only turn slowly. Thoughts?
B Flowers

Da Weaz said...

All of what you mentioned, Brian, form the basis of a book that I am working on. I wanted to give it my full attention, but got distracted by learning Russian, and the day to day news, but it still is a big priority and I am trying to have it finished by this year.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Great post. I wonder when will the Sheeple wake up?

Anonymous said...

Hi Weazl! Glad to see that you're back! I've been following your site since you posted a MyBO link to it. You might like to know that MyBO has completely blocked off viewing of any posts, except HQ posts, without a login or knowledge of the person's blogs that you want to view, an the only way to view non-HQ posts are now through the search tool or through friend's posts. The Community Blogs are dead. You might like people to see you on Twitter if you have time. I've advertised your link here: . I wish you reinstated the Chatterbox, though! Later!