Saturday, January 26, 2008

Seems like a nice time for Pink Floyd (yet again)


The Freewheeling Socrates said...

They released a song which contained chants of "We don't need no education," and, "Hey, Teacher! Leave those kids alone."

Ever since the moment I connected that with Pink Floyd, Pink Floyd became dead to me.

They are irrevocable scum in my view. They are slimy bottomfeeders.

They could write the most beautiful piece of music ever known to man and to me it is garbage because their souls stink like horse shit.

Da Weaz said...

I think they were talking about misinforming students and crushing their curious spirits. I don't think that that message is offensive to me.

The Freewheeling Socrates said...

The words, "We don't need no education," chanted by mysterious pied pipers to ensnare unwitting children is all I need to know about these scurrilous scum sucking frauds.

Check out the new song, "Raincoat," by Kelly Sweet. It blows the roof of my head off in a delightful way. Now THAT'S music!