Monday, January 28, 2008

Another great site supporter emailed me with the following information to spread about Ron Paul in Louisiana

Hi Weazl,

In case you want to post this info or spread the word: I phoned the Louisiana Republican Party here: ,telling them it is getting out in the national news and making the state look bad. I asked for transparency, particularly:

- How and why did they extend the delegate deadline without a rule change (or did they)? Apparently it was only 6 hours after receiving Pauls totals on the deadline that they extended the deadline for 2 days to let other candidates get more delegates.

- Why did some registered delegates get provisional ballots?

- Have the provisional ballots been counted, and if not why? When will tallies be posted in the open for all to see?

I also contacted the Governor’s office. Bobby Jindal is the first Indian-American governor in America to be elected (he was just sworn in last week) and he won on a reform and “I promise to root out the corruption no matter what” platform. I asked him to use his influence with the party to make sure this thing is resolved in an open and above-board way.


Phone: 225.342.0991 (Governor’s Office, Constituent Services – you’ll have to leave a message).



Anonymous said...

As I understand it, Ron Paul takes donations from white supremacists, which doesn't fair well in my book. What's your understanding on this?

Da Weaz said...

My take on this is that there are a lot of white supremacists, both overt and covert. If everyone returned their money, there might not be anything but pennies left. I would rather focus on whether Ron Paul himself is a white supremacist. And his newsletters give me more trouble than who he is taking money from.

Has anybody asked whether Ghouliani, Bush, McCain or Romney has taken money from white supremacists. Wait a minute! Isn't the whole Mormon Church based on white supremacist ideology? Oh, my mistake, blacks were allowed in during the 70's so it is all okay now.

Next . . .

Anonymous said...

Apparently there is another vote taking place in Louisiana February 9th besides the one for delegates only in new orleans. This vote will supposedly take place at the local precincts and is both republican and democrat. do you know anything about this?

Da Weaz said...

I have heard the same thing, but to be honest, the entire Louisiana primary seems quite weird and complicated to me and I don't quite understand (and haven't done the research) what the relation is with the preliminary vote and the February 9th primary.

Wish I could be of more help.