Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why Americans are so stupid: the propaganda that molds the minds of minions


Anonymous said...

Hi Weaz
This just makes me sick. People listen and believe this crap.
Even though most know that we have been fed lie after lie, they still listen and believe more of it. Its astounding the ignorance of the American sheeple.

I think what makes me the angriest, is the oft repeated comment that he said 'he would like to wipe the state of Isreal off the map'when what he said was, He would like to wipe the Israeli government (Mossad) off the map. Look at how many lives that would have saved. All those Palestinian people who have died so their land could be stolen. And we sit and watch. oh, of course, we are the teacher.

Sad and unbelievable times.


The Freewheeling Socrates said...

To believe it is to accept the truth of current events.

What stands out is how the neocons boldly practice genocide on defensless populations and whiny whiny like little girls when the prospect of formidable resistance appears on the horizon.

It has been noted that at least 10 countries possess nuclear weapons, some of them hostile to the American empire, and we just have to live with it. Iran would simply join the nuclear club.


Live with it

