Thursday, January 18, 2007

More Censorship of so-called Leftie Site: Crooks and Liars

Posted there:
"UPDATE: This is Nicole. The site team wanted me to remind our readers that this thread deals ONLY with Colbert's interview with D'Souza and that any and all 9/11 alternative theories brought up in response will be deleted in their entirety. Please respect John's wish to not have 9/11 discussions on his site and please don't make more work for the site team. Thanks."

If anyone has seen the comments section at C & L, it is a virtual repository of irrelevent and vapid tripe. What are you afraid of? Are you corporate sponsors gonna pull your ads despite your heavy bandwith?

Weazl says disgusting. Simply disgusting.


The Freewheeling Socrates said...

In life there are those that live by the truth and those that live by the lie. I find the ratio to be about 1:1000.

Labels such as "conservative" and "liberal" have never caught hold in my thinking.

To seek out, discover, digest, and disseminate the truth has been my mission for many years now.

Those that cement their beliefs and then go about bending and twisting stimuli to fit their model are putting the cart before the horse.

The honest way to live is to approach each situation ready to discern the truth via the scientific method and add to your working paradigm as you go -- truth by truth.

In later years, a picture will develop of self, others, nation, world, and it's quite ugly. My world picture is as glamorous as Charles Hank Bukowski's face.

Your site is packed full of truth. I'm sure I do not have to tell you that the world HATES the truth, thus, the world hates you and me.

Da Weaz said...

Thanks, Soc.

Anonymous said...

Careful when you say you look for, and represent the truth; how's your personal life? Is it filled with truth, or is there a heavy does of lies mixed in? Joke as you may, you know what I'm talkin about. Do you run from the truth in your personal life, or straight towards it? I would guess the pendulum swings heavy to the former.
Talking about others, and the world at large and all it's problems, is easy, talking about and dealing with yourself is another matter and just as important. You can't seperate the two - the world around you, and the world within you are closely intertwined. You affect the world.