Saturday, December 09, 2006

If we are to survive as a species and a world, we must tap into alternative, non-polluting energy sources. There are prospects. We will visit them.

Yet, if you watch the second part, you'll find out about the invention of the water fuel cell, that allowed normal water to fuel cars. This was invented by Stanley Meyers, who was then killed by poisoning in 1998 after having drove a ater-fuel-cell powered car from California to New York burning only the hydrogen in 28 gallons of water using Stanley's super productive hydrogen separator.

After the government pretended to support his research by building for him an institute for the research of water power technology, Stanley was poisoned and died at the institute dinner commemoration event.

So much for why you never heard of Stanley Meyers. If your government had your best interests in mind, Stanley Meyers might have been a household name by now, and you wouldn't be fretting about how much gasoline is costing.


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