Skype Two
By Nick Farrell: Monday 18 December 2006, 08:27
ASSOCIATED PRESSis reporting that the founders of the Internet phone outfit Skype is about to launch a global television service.Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom have plowed $2.5 billion into the project which is codenamed 'The Venice Project'. The plan is to offer near high-definition programmes across the Interweb.
The pair got the cash from flogging Skype to Internet auction website eBay about a year ago.
The project will make cash by taking a cut of the advertising sold on its channels with with revenues depending on whether the advertising is sold by the content owner, or by The Venice Project.
Apparently the Project will use P2P technology and will bypass the requirement for digital rights management.
Currently 6,000 punters are testing the service which is to be launched next year. So far none of the big channels are interested, probably because they would have no control over the content.
Original article posted here.
Pretty inaccurate blog entry, I would say.
First of all, Skype is not directly involved.
Second, who told you how much many the duo plowed into the project? The fact that may have $2.5B in cash (hint: they haven't) does not mean that they are ready to spend it all.
Third, who told you that it "will bypass the requirement for digital rights management"? This goes against pretty much everything that has been said on the subject so far. Maybe you know better?
If you think that it's inaccurate, then prove why. The article that it is quoted from, definitely knows more than I on the subject. You, on the other hand, leave nothing but innuendo and rumor. By the way, what has Skype done that has supported "digital rights management"?
You might say that it's a "pretty inaccurate blog entry." I on the other hand would say that your anonymous, information-less post simply invites laughter as you have said absolutely NOTHING about the subject you hint, through your air of arrogance, that you know something about.
By the way, I use skype to call all over the world, for pennies a minute, so excuse me if I think your full of shit: they've been a good company by me for quite a while now.
So whether the many people who use the internet will believe this article saying good things will come from Skype, or from some anonymous poster spouting accusations without a shard of fact, I think it's quite clear who's worthy of belief and who is the court jester.
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