Tuesday, November 21, 2006

When Voices Fall on Deaf Ears

Anyone who has visited this site within the past week or so might be familiar with the conflicts of the owner of this site with the people at buzzflash.net (an open letter appears here). Despite the rather friendly and constructive tone of the letter, this little weazl was met with the most rude, abrupt and frankly maniacal ravings on the owner of that site claiming that the weazl was not only involved in some cult by Lyndon LaRouche, but was actively trying to lead some cadre of racists, anti-Semites and cultists against free thinking and his site (as if the two were related). So without rehashing all of the subsequent bullshit that ensued, suffice it to say that the expressions of solidarity coupled with the recognition of who willfully ignorant some members of the so-called progressive Left are to the issues relating 911, which is, in weazl's opinion, the sine qua non for the assault on Constitutional and political rights that the US has withstood in 5 years, but also the willful blindness of these same members of the media to Israeli atrocities to Palestinians.

Rather than bleet to the ignorant, weazl has decided to lauch another site: www.weazlsrevenge.com that intends to be what buzzflash purported to be, but is not: namely a location to find articles of interest to those who search for truth, and hope to make the world a better place. Weazl does not expect to supplement the board as often as major news sites, as weazl is quite busy in other endeavors in his life. But feels that this can compliment other sources of news. And it is certain that "controversial" issues will not be avoided in so doing. This site will continue to do as it has been doing, and should serve as a place where people can leave their thoughts if they so choose. Anyway, please feel free to send stories that you would like covered, or issues, and we will try to accomodate them. There are simply too few sources for news, and the authoritarian nature of buzzflash will perhaps be a blessing in desguise: many of us have wondered why certain issues are not raised by the so-called progressive, alternative media: this little run-in with buzzflash has exposed them as neither progressive nor very alternative. For if you want to be called an idiot for not believing that big buidlings can disintegrate upon contact with airplanes (as has never before happened) and buildings that have sustanined no implact don't similarly fall, you can simply call in FOX News, Rush, Sean Hannity, or stop by buzzflash.net and post a query.

Cheers, and hope you enjoy.

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