Saturday, November 18, 2006

Speaking the Right Language: Demanding Change

The New Democratic Congress Must Demolish the "American Police State" that Bush Is Erecting.

It is paramount that the new Democratic Congress resists enticements from the corporate and military sectors to abandon its given mandate for "new direction" and degenerates into a mirror image of the old Republican "rubber stamp" Congress. This struggle is now being played out with anti-war Rep. John Murtha's bid to become House majority leader apposed by pro-war minority whip Rep. Steny Hoyer. Americans have voiced their demand that all of the Bush/GOP atrocities be vanquished, but particular importance is the dismantling, brick by brick, of Bush's "American police state" now under construction.

"Catastrophic Empowering Event" Initiating Bush's American Police State.

Throughout history, various politicos have utilized "Catastrophic Empowering Events" to incite their citizenry and coerce them into accepting undesirable agendas. Hitler torched the German Reichstag and blamed his opponents in a plot to eliminate them. FDR allowed the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor to thrust America into WWII. Then, there was George W. Bush and 9/11.

Back in 1998, Dick Cheney's group dubbed as the "Project for a New American Century" (Neo-Cons), which included Jeb Bush and subsequent major players in George W. Bush's administration, lobbied President Clinton and Congress to attack an already weakened Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein and build permanent U.S. bases in the oil-rich Middle East. As soon as Bush obtained the presidency in 2001, their quest for the long-sought-after Iraq War was on. But, Secretary of Defense Rumsfield bemoaned the fact that the American people probably wouldn't go for the illegal war without a "Catastrophic Empowering Event" to push it through. Then, with 'phenomenal luck', one of those events actually did happened just in the nick of time. It was as if government insiders were complicit with the 9/11 attacks so say the 'disputers' of the official story.

Disputing the Government's Official 9/11 Story

The official 9/11 account, which has been echoed throughout the mainstream media, is full of impossibilities and improbabilities according to the 'disputers'. The Bush administration claimed it had no prior warnings. However, the 'disputers' ask why then was Attorney General Ashcroft urged to stop using commercial flights and go private and why was there a 1200% increase in orders to sell-short airline stocks during the week before 9/11. Professional pilots have commented that they themselves couldn't fly the complex, computerized 757's without extensive specialized training and practice and that it was certainly impossible for foreign terrorists with nothing more than some flight lessons for small private aircraft to perform the flight maneuvers of 9/11. With Vice President Cheney controlling NORAD on 9/11, the 'disputers' believe that insider complicity was necessary for the terrorists to hit at a time the air force was in stand-down mode for war games simulating what was actually happening for real as well as the terrorists' hijacked planes going unfettered for over an hour without interception.

The 'disputers' say the facts don't support the government's official 9/11 story that the WTC towers collapsed because their steel super structures were softened by the jet fuel fires resulting from the plane crashes. Instead, the 'disputers' cite evidence that points to controlled-explosive demolitions set by government insiders as the real cause.

  • If the government's story were true, the towers would have to bare the ignominy of being the only steel framed buildings in the world ever felled by fire.
  • There is quite a distinction between the 2700 degrees (F) steel melting point and the 1800 degrees (F) at which jet fuel burns. The case for fire is further discredited because significant proportions of the fuel exploded outside the buildings and fireproofing covered the steel beams.
  • The North Tower burned only for 1 hour and 43 minuets and the South Tower for only 56 minuets before collapsing. In contrast, Philadelphia's Meridian Plaza in 1991 remained standing after eight of its floors burned for nineteen hours with a hot fire.
  • Experts say the towers' collapse had all the earmarks of controlled-explosive demolition as confirmed by on-the-scene first-response teams reporting hearing sounds of explosions, seeing ascending spirals of flashes going around the buildings and massive horizontal plumes of pulverized cement dust and other debris shooting out the sides of the buildings. (Only high explosives can pulverize cement into dust.)
  • All the world watched as the North Tower only took 8.1 seconds and the South Tower took only 10.4 seconds to smoothly cascade straight down to their footprints. Obstructions (such as the floors below) would normally cause a slow, erratic fall with debris spewing every which way. So, the towers' picture-perfect falls were a good indication that a series of coordinated explosions from pre-positioned demolition charges cleared the way down. Incidentally, the Bush family through Marvin Bush has been in charge of WTC security since immediately after the 1993 failed terrorist bombing.
  • The towers' huge beams just happened to be cut up in thirty-foot lengths, a perfect fit for the flatbed trucks that quickly whisked away debris to shipping points out of the country preventing a full-scale investigation. However, BYU physicist Dr. Steven Jones did managed to analyze some WTC physical samples and discovered the presence of Thermate, a substance, which is used in military demolition explosives for cutting steel. Incidentally, its yellow residue is clearly visible on shattered beams in Ground Zero photos.
  • Also, there were goofs. A premature explosion with smoke and damage was observed in one of the basements prior to the plane hit. The NorthTower was the first hit, but the second to fall. A billfold in perfect condition attributed to terrorist Atta was found in the rubble implying a bumbled attempt to plant phony evidence.

The above was just a small portion of the extensive and extraordinary evidence maintained by the growing ranks of Americans disputing the government's official 9/11 story. This evidence is made up of hard facts, not conspiracy theories as characterized by government apologists, and must be truly investigated by the new Democratic Congress.

Bush's "Reform Movement" Exploiting Terrorism

Even before his 9/11 "Empowering Event" occurred, Bush started his "reform movement" (as Republicans call it) to increase his powers and turn America's free, open society with equality for all into a corporate, fascist dictatorship with a rich ruling class and an oppressed, poor working class. His first move was to start building a 'big brother' style system of severe surveillance upon Americans. As soon as he obtained the presidency in January 2001, Bush ordered the National Security Agency in the Pentagon to launch an illegal domestic spy program. But, after his 9/11 "Empowering Event" and with the benefit of terrorism as an excuse he was able to make huge strides in grabbing power, creating his imperial presidency and destroying the federal government's system of checks and balances established by the founding fathers.

  • In just 45 days after 9/11 and without debate, Congress while under pressure passed the 2001 Patriot Act without prior access to the 2,200 page document before voting. The Bill of Rights, with the guarantee of free speech, peaceable assembly and security in one's person, papers and effects, became a mere list of privileges that the government could take away at any time. The Patriot Act also cancelled the rights to due process and a prompt and public trial and protection against cruel and unusual punishment. The federal government could now freely wiretap phones, enter homes and perform search and seizure without warrants as well as indefinitely detain citizens without charge.
  • The 2002 Homeland Security Act was passed by a Congress again prohibited from seeing the 550-page bill before voting. The Department of Homeland Security was created as an intelligence gathering operation in which 22 federal agencies and their databases were merged to mostly spy on American citizens.
  • In 2004, the Department of Homeland Security sent a memo to police departments through out the U.S. with orders to watch the masses for body language and to look out for anyone showing arrogance or expressing opposition for decisions of the government. It's no surprise that antiwar protestors nation-wide have said that they are being watched and harassed by police.
  • In 2005, The Department of Homeland Security enlisted more than 50 corporations including Microsoft, Oracle and Verizon to watch and track the activities of Americans. The department's "Dataveillance" system is collecting copious information on all U.S. citizens of their patterns of behavior to assess motives and intentions.
  • The Department of Homeland Security is now opening private mail and forcing Internet providers to overhaul their computer networks to make it easier for monitoring E-mail. Also, it has pressured Yahoo, Google and the like to turn over their databases in order to see what websites citizens are visiting.
  • The Department of Homeland Security has hired General Yevgeni Primakov, Ex-head of the Soviet Secret Service (KGB) and Markus Wolfe, ex-boss of the East German State Security Police (STASI).
  • The 2004 Intelligence Reform Act was passed by Congress while being denied access to some sections classified "top Secret" in the 3,000 page bill. The act created the Department of National Intelligence as a clearing-house for all 15 U.S. intelligence agencies. It mandated a counter-terrorism center, spy satellite network to monitor private communications and standardizing state drivers licenses and birth certificates creating a national ID system. There is talk of eventually implanting signal-sending ID chips under the skin of all Americans to be tracked by satellite.
  • In June 2005, the National Security Service, a secret police unit to be operated by the White House with no Congressional oversight was created by George W. Bush by placing a portion of the FBI under his personal control.
  • In October 2005, the National Clandestine Service a new department in the CIA was created by a Bush executive order to engage in covert operations within the United States.
  • The Military Commissions Act of 2006 (dubbed the torture act) does away with habeas corpus. Anyone specified by the executive branch alone, could be arrested and held indefinitely without trial, access to the courts, and hope of appeal. Anyone could be declared an "enemy combatant" and then permanently detained and tortured, as defined by the Geneva Conventions, solely on the word of the president. It allows civilians to be tried by military tribunals instead of civilian courts and permits the use of evidence against them extracted under cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment. All legal residents of the U.S. and foreign citizens living in their own countries could be subject to this law. Also, it provides for a "stealth pardon" for war crimes committed by those who allow the torture and abuse of detainees, such as in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.

Bush/Republican anti-terrorism measures have far exceeded the scope of protection from terrorists and have unnecessarily advanced into grabbing power and slashing civil liberties, which appears to be their true purpose in the first place. The American electorate has demanded that the new Democratic Congress restores the balance of powers in the federal government and firmly reinstates our Constitutional civil liberties.

Other affronts to our liberties as part of his "reform movement" include Bush twice taking the White House with the help of Republican vote fraud. Among other infractions in election year 2000, thousands of voters sharing the surnames of black convicts were removed from voter registration rolls in Florida. In 2004, the wide variances between some exit polls and the 'official' counts in favor of Bush were declared by experts to be statistically impossible. Also, Bush has expanded his powers by persistently using his Constitutional prerogative of 'signings', which are statements added to Congressionally passed bills to the effect that he personally isn't bound by them as he pens his signature. Furthermore, major telecommunication corporations have bribed Congress to do away with the Internet law of 'net-neutrality' to eliminate free speech on the Internet and shut down the online alternative news-sites critical of Bush and the Republicans. American voters insist that the new Democratic Congress investigates and outlaws the various means of election fraud such as hackable, paperless computer voting machines and maintains free speech on the Internet by supporting 'net-neutrality'.

Martial Law

To where is all the above leading? It would appear that the Bush administration is preparing for martial law. Bush has signed executive orders giving himself sole authority to impose martial law and suspend habeas corpus with no checks and balances during a national emergency. The Pentagon has ordered U.S. Northern Command at Peterson Air Force Base to prepare a series of secret strategies for rapid military takeover of the U.S. upon Bush's orders. General Tommy Franks said in 2003 that after a major casualty-producing event in the Western world, Americans would "question our own Constitution" and consent to militarization of the United States for security. Homeland Security gave Halliburton a $385 million dollar contract to construct detention facilities around the country supposedly for a national emergency. Remember, Bush's predilection for interment camps was demonstrated during the 2004 Republican Convention when 1,806 protestors were rounded up, imprisoned without charges and kept in filthy conditions for 24 hours or more. The American electorate opposes martial law and demands that the new Democratic Congress rejects it.

"North American Union"

Bush isn't content with just turning the United States alone into a dictatorship. In March 2005, He emerged from a meeting at Baylor University with Mexican President Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Martin and announced that the North American continent was in the process of being transformed from three sovereign nations into one super regional political and economic entity dubbed the "North American Union". As early as 2010, boundaries will be redefined so immigration control will be around the three countries and not between them and legitimate traffic can be streamlined across their borders. Soon, a non-elected governance board for the "North American Union" will be formed along with a tribunal with supremacy over the U.S. Supreme Court and a customs and immigration service with authority over U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement within the 'DHS'. Public discourse as well as a vote within each nation as to the will of the people has been disallowed. The formation of the "North American Union" has been under wraps with 'mums' the word from the mainstream media. Thus, very few Americans know about it. Even Congressional requests for information have been denied. The driving forces are military and corporate (Eisenhower's military-industrial complex) and their goal is to create an enormous despotic police state not for the benefit of the people but their self-serving pursuit of extreme greed and power. They will use anti-terrorism as the ruse and strip civil liberties from citizens to squash dissent. Americans clearly desire the continued existence of the democratic USA for themselves, their children, grandchildren and all their future prodigy and insist that the new Democratic Congress squashes Bush's fascist "North American Union".

Maintain A Backbone

The American electorate has handed a mandate to the new Democratic Congress. We are opposed to Bush's "staying the course" in Iraq and instead want quickly out of his illegal bloody war. Also, we are fed up with Bush's "cut and run" at-home agenda of power grabs and assaults on the Constitution and Bill of Rights under the guise of anti-terrorism. Actually, by slashing our liberties and building a police state, he only hands over victory to the terrorists because, as he says, "they hate our freedoms". We Americans have told Democrats that we don't want to live under the yoke of tyranny and insist they stand strong together as an entrenched unit protecting our free way of life against the corruptive influences of self-serving corporate and military interests.

Original article posted here.


RoseCovered Glasses said...

You make many good points in your articles. I would like to supplement them with some information:

I am a 2 tour Vietnam Veteran who recently retired after 36 years of working in the Defense Industrial Complex on many of the weapons systems being used by our forces as we speak.

If you are interested in a view of the inside of the Pentagon procurement process from Vietnam to Iraq please check the posting at my blog entitled, “Odyssey of Armements”

The Pentagon is a giant, incredibly complex establishment,budgeted in excess of $500B per year. The Rumsfelds, the Adminisitrations and the Congressmen come and go but the real machinery of policy and procurement keeps grinding away, presenting the politicos who arrive with detail and alternatives slanted to perpetuate itself.

How can any newcomer, be he a President, a Congressman or even the Sec. Def. to be - Mr. Gates- understand such complexity, particulary if heretofore he has not had the clearance to get the full details?

Answer- he can’t. Therefor he accepts the alternatives provided by the career establishment that never goes away and he hopes he makes the right choices. Or he is influenced by a lobbyist or two representing companies in his district or special interest groups.

From a practical standpoint, policy and war decisions are made far below the levels of the talking heads who take the heat or the credit for the results.

This situation is unfortunate but it is ablsolute fact. Take it from one who has been to war and worked in the establishment.

This giant policy making and war machine will eventually come apart and have to be put back together to operate smaller, leaner and on less fuel. But that won’t happen unitil it hits a brick wall at high speed.

We will then have to run a Volkswagon instead of a Caddy and get along somehow. We better start practicing now and get off our high horse. Our golden aura in the world is beginning to dull from arrogance.

Anonymous said...

Here is some more data pointing to the pitfalls in a North American Union:

From UC Irvine: Largest, longest study of children of immigrants reveals certain
groups are left behind
"Differences in arrest and incarceration rates are also noteworthy, particularly among second-generation, U.S.-born, males. While only 10 percent of second-generation immigrant males in the survey had been incarcerated, that figure jumped to 20 percent among West Indian and Mexican American youths."

Here is pro comprehensive reform supporter Linda Chavez: Before Bashing Immigrants, Get The Facts Straight "Only .7 percent of Mexican-born males were in prison or jail, compared with 3.51 percent of all U.S.-born males, which includes 1.71 percent of non-Hispanic whites, 11.6 percent of blacks and 5.9 percent of Mexican Americans."

Open Doors Don't Invite Criminals
By ROBERT J. SAMPSON (Harvard University)
Published: March 11, 2006
"Indeed, the first generation immigrants (those born outside the United States) in our study were 45 percent less likely to commit violence than were third-generation Americans, adjusting for family and neighborhood background. Second-generation immigrants were 22 percent less likely to commit violence than the third generation."

Also see: Center for Disease Control National Vital Statistics Reports: Volume 52, #10: Births: Final Data for 2002 The hispanic illegitamacy rate is cited on Table 19 on page 57 at 43.5% .

Anonymous said...

"Are you trying to tell me that the majority of these border hoppers are not criminals? What a laugh."

By "border hoppers" I presume you mean all hispanic 1st generation immigrants or hispanic illegals. The fact of the matter is, for immigrants, both hispanic and other, crime increases with each generation.

Here is Steve Sailer on the subject (I highly recommend him and his site):
[Sampson does tell us one useful thing: all else being equal, propensity toward violence increases as immigrants assimilate:

"Indeed, the first-generation immigrants (those born outside the United States) in our study were 45 percent less likely to commit violence than were third-generation Americans, adjusting for family and neighborhood background. Second-generation immigrants were 22 percent less likely to commit violence than the third generation."

In other words, Hispanic immigrants tend to assimilate toward African-American norms of violence unless they soar upwards economically and educationally. Many do. But many don't.

This isn't surprising. New immigrants often arrive too old to join youth gangs and they are scared of deportation. But their American-born sons grow up on the streets feeling much more confident, and much more territorial about their native neighborhoods. The gangs, like the 18th Street Gang in LA, get the American-born ones young. As "Color of Crime 2005" reports, "Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs."

So, by importing vast numbers of Hispanic immigrants now, according to Sampson's data, we're just making an unholy mess for ourselves in the future."]

As Sailer notes, Sampson's quote isn't as ludicrous as it seems. Asians are approx. 50% of 1st generation immigrants, and have a very very low crime rate. But Hispanics have much higher birthrates, so each immigrant generation is more and more hispanic (and higher crime). Adding further fuel, looking at only one race alone, the crime rate rises per generation (see my Chavez cite above).

I totally agree with you that hispanic immigration should be stopped. All of the articles I cited make a case for immigration restriction. There are other reasons, besides just crime, that may apply to first generation immigrants. But as for just crime, the main impact comes from immigrant children, grandchildren etc...That is still a perfectly good reason to restrict immigration. If you think you see a lot of stuff in the news about illegal alien crime, you need to think about all the times you have seen a hispanic american involved (not that anecdotal evidence is very relavent).

Anonymous said...

"Are you trying to tell me that the majority of these border hoppers are not criminals? What a laugh."

By "border hoppers" I presume you mean all hispanic 1st generation immigrants or hispanic illegals. The fact of the matter is, for immigrants, both hispanic and other, crime increases with each generation.

Here is Steve Sailer on the subject (I highly recommend him and his site):
[Sampson does tell us one useful thing: all else being equal, propensity toward violence increases as immigrants assimilate:

"Indeed, the first-generation immigrants (those born outside the United States) in our study were 45 percent less likely to commit violence than were third-generation Americans, adjusting for family and neighborhood background. Second-generation immigrants were 22 percent less likely to commit violence than the third generation."

In other words, Hispanic immigrants tend to assimilate toward African-American norms of violence unless they soar upwards economically and educationally. Many do. But many don't.

This isn't surprising. New immigrants often arrive too old to join youth gangs and they are scared of deportation. But their American-born sons grow up on the streets feeling much more confident, and much more territorial about their native neighborhoods. The gangs, like the 18th Street Gang in LA, get the American-born ones young. As "Color of Crime 2005" reports, "Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs."

So, by importing vast numbers of Hispanic immigrants now, according to Sampson's data, we're just making an unholy mess for ourselves in the future."]

As Sailer notes, Sampson's quote isn't as ludicrous as it seems. Asians are approx. 50% of 1st generation immigrants, and have a very very low crime rate. But Hispanics have much higher birthrates, so each immigrant generation is more and more hispanic (and higher crime). Adding further fuel, looking at only one race alone, the crime rate rises per generation (see my Chavez cite above).

I totally agree with you that hispanic immigration should be stopped. All of the articles I cited make a case for immigration restriction. There are other reasons, besides just crime, that may apply to first generation immigrants. But as for just crime, the main impact comes from immigrant children, grandchildren etc...That is still a perfectly good reason to restrict immigration. If you think you see a lot of stuff in the news about illegal alien crime, you need to think about all the times you have seen a hispanic american involved (not that anecdotal evidence is very relavent).