Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Kennedy Assassination (and Bush)

Weazl says this is the most important documentary you could ever watch. Period. Puts all the pieces together. Any questions?


Da Weaz said...

At one point Homeland Security was monitoring the site on a regular basis and some Army Signals Center in Germany occassionally stopped by, but they haven't been here for a while. I'd start getting worried if more people started coming the the site, for Mark Lombardi, Barry Seal, JH Hatfield, and Danny Casalaro, all seem to "suicide" themselves or be murdered after exposing (or nearly exposing) too much of the Bush crime family operations. (GOOGLE ANY OF THESE NAMES)

But I think the best weapon in the to put it all out there. People need to know the criminals they bow to.

Anonymous said...

Weaz, I enjoyed this. There is no doubt that this topic has never been satisfactorily explained to the curious and dissatisfied. There are plenty of inconsistent theories put forth, that seem to have plenty of holes in them.

One complaint I may have with this one per se, is that it may have decided the picture it wanted to present before and conveniently wove alleged facts to fit the conclusion they wanted the viewer to reach.

One could probably offer an even more logical villain for consideration. Consider who was the one to gain the most from the murder of JFK - IMMEDIATELY? The role of vice president is certainly one that is not nearly as glamorous or powerful as that of POTUS. This man has a closet full of skeletons and a graveyard of dead bodies that suddenly ended up that way - who were close to him over his politicaql carrer. He was from Texas, as well. If LBJ did not become president there probbaly would not have been no great socialist utopian Great Society offered up - to later to be seen as a great waste that it became.

So, my vote for the most likely involved political culptit in the Kennedy assassination would go for him.

Interesting that you say your site seems to be monitored by DHS - anybody you know in that department other than our old pal Bleaker, that may do something like that? He works for them apparently, and he has a blog that is sometimes online from his work - as he has already stated to the world.

Da Weaz said...

I don't agree that the facts are woven into it. And if you look at the book, Farewell to Justice, much is corroborated by that work. And it's not Beaker who was monitoring the site. The location was from Kansas. Beaker is on the East Coast.

This movie presents a nice coherent picture of what's there. The more evidence that you look at, the more it fits into this picture. The canards about LBJ are just smokescreens like the mob, or Castro did it. Not a shred of evidence supporting it.

Anonymous said...

Weaz, There is probably no completely definitive answer that would answer all the questions surrounding all that occurred then and remains with us to this day.

There may be some things in this link that you would agree with:

Another interesting link:

Da Weaz said...

I looked at the sites, and the first one is simply a collection of all sorts of theories without any analysis at all. The second raises interesting questions, but says absolutely nothing about the murder itself. You're right, we won't know everything. But it is clear that it was a CIA whack job, that much is pretty much certain. The only question was who was in it, and when. And the upper level people that you implicate were simply accessories after the fact, NOT the major players themselves.