Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Lyin' Bush

I mean really. Another day of charting Bush's lies is simply boring. But yet again we see the same pattern of mendacity that we're used to. The latest is that Bush and the warmongers went on bragging about having found biological labs for making weapons of mass destruction in Iraq when they knew that it wasn't true. At some point we have to ask ourselves as a nation and as a world, how many crimes do these criminals have to commit before someone takes action? Da weaz would contend that it is not a disgrace to them that they commit these crimes and continue to do so, for as famous lawyer Jim Garrison noted, pigs oink, but rather it is a disgrace to us that we continue to even pretend that they are legitimate. I mean stolen elections, lies about weapons of mass destruction, torture, illegal wiretapping of Americans, illegal searches and seizures within American homes, revealing the names of covert CIA agents for political gain, illegal fundraising and book-cooking, secret prisons and detentions, fraudulent military tribunals depriving people of fundmental rights, domestic and foreign propaganda, detention and assassination of journalists, illegal "pre-emptive" war, wiretapping diplomatic correspondence, phone jamming allegations, lies about Iraq shopping for uranium, the expansion of presidential power to allow such practices to continue, and more.

As weazl has noted before, the criminal gang risk exposure to war crimes charges, impeachment, and civil and criminal penalties related to torture. And that doesn't even include the big one: 9/11

The evidence continues to mount, and more people are starting to point fingers.

These criminals should be tried by their own laws that they've helped push through, especially for terrorism, and receive the penalties that they have thought are appropriate. Such possiblility seems quite unlikely, but would clearly give meaning to the term "poetic justice."

In the meaning, further crimes await . . .

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