Friday, April 07, 2006

It doesn't get much worse

Perhaps the most important headline globally today should be the revelation that recently filed court papers allege that President George W. Bush authorized Vice President Dick Cheney's former Chief of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby to leak the name of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame's name to the press in retaliation for her husband Joseph Wilson alerting the media about the Bush Cabal's warmongering lies about Iraq attempting to purchase uranium from Niger (based on forged documents purportedly involving historic neo-con warmonger Michael Ladeen). And why should this be front page news? Because, if true, it would mean that the President is either a conspirator or accessory to violation of the Identities Protection Act of 1982, a felony.

Yet we know that this criminal coalition commits crimes on a daily basis, and this perhaps is just the latest impeachable crime and penetentiary-worthy act that this group is involved in. Yet the bigger story and the clearest reflection on how democracy has died with media complicity is the American (and global) media's not-so-stunning silence on this revelation. At the time of weazl's writing the headline story in the US edition on CNN is about a stalled immigration bill, and in the international edition, the upcoming verdict on the DaVinci Code copyright case. Surely these earth shattering stories are more important than the fact that the President of the United States has been named in court papers of assisting in the commission of a felony.

How much the media has been made a fool of can be seen in this video clip by Bob Schieffer asking the President to get to the bottom of who's been leaking within his staff. Yet when the answer is the President himself, the media ignores the issue in silent complicity. Should this come as a surprise? Unfortunately not. Corporate control and consolidation of the media as completely stifled criticism of an Administration that echoes its interests. An informative essay and chart of the corporate influence and media consolidation can be seen here. Yet if you have a couple of hours to spare during your upcoming weekend, you may enjoy the documentary Orwell Rolls in his Grave (Part II here), that expands on the issue even further.

Americans now live in a country where both the government and corporations manufacture news and pass it off to unsuspecting viewers, where the Pentagon engages in propaganda, where compliant male prostitutes pose as journalists to ask warm and fuzzy questions, where the government pays journalists under the table to promote their policies, where the Pentagon is paying up to $3oo million to the Lincoln Group and others to mold American messages as palatable throughout the world, where the US is routinely seen as targeting foreign journalists for retribution and possible assassination (a four part story), which would obviously include the discussion to bomb Al Jazeera, and the possible targeting of Italian journalist/hostage Guiliana Sgrena, the confinement of CBS cameraman Adbul Amir who despite being acquitted of being an "insurgent" was returned to prison (all Reuters stories that initially included the fact that he'd been returned to Abu Ghraib and comments by his lawyer have been edited out. Cached version can be seen here), US Pentagon plans to wage pychological warfare through the use of the net, and efforts to prosecute journalists who reveal classified information, even pertaining to crimes committed by officials. and threaten even the use of SWAT teams to accomplish this goal.

Some have raised the proper question of what can be done to address and change the course of events. The first thing is truly understanding the nature of the problem and the vast obstacles to change. The US and global media is seriously compromised, and has been delved into by such commentators as Noam Chomsky and Robert McChesney. Once should not overlook the insight of former Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black who noted:

The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to bare the secrets of government and inform the people.

Never before has a government had so many secrets to bear. Never before has the media so failed in its responsibility to promote a functioning democracy.


Anonymous said...

You've got all the guts, moxie, and courage of a flat piece of very pink paper, Weezy--NOT very dignified, eh?

As I always suspected....

Da Weaz said...

You're quite a pathetic little troll.

Just the latest fixated moron, frustrated by God's apparent inequity.

That's okay, I've had menoras, leeches and ticks before. Unpleasant reminders of travelling through fields of idiocy.

Anonymous said...

Whatsammater, gutless? You afraid to leave a comment up? Yeah-o, real group of heretics you've got hassling you; you can't stomach the gd STAR SPANGLED BANNER!


Da Weaz said...


The real joke is that you check this site once every two hours, and then offer the most idiotic posts possible. The joke is that it's one thirty in the morning in the beautiful Bay Area, and you're fixated on the weazl. The cruel joke is what's played out before your very eyes each and every time you look in a mirror.

Anonymous said...


The real joke is that you check this site once every two hours, and then offer the most idiotic posts possible. The joke is that it's one thirty in the morning in the beautiful city where I am, and you're fixated on Wheedle's Rage. The cruel joke is what's played out before your very eyes each and every time you look in a mirror.

Da Weaz said...

Yeah, I see your cut and paste works well. Now only if you learned to read . . .

Anonymous said...

Link TV tackles democracy in America

LINK TV (DIRECTV ch. 375, Dish Network ch. 9410), available to 27 million American homes, will broadcast a four-hour special on the consequences of corporate media, the true meaning of “independent media” and the continued struggle for democracy as the country begins to gear up for the 2008 presidential election on Sunday, June 25 and Friday, July 7 at 5 p.m. PST and 8 p.m. EST.

The special, “Democracy for Sale?” will feature the critically acclaimed film “Counting on Democracy,” which investigates charges of disenfranchisement and the 180,000 uncounted Florida votes cast largely by the working poor and people of color during the 2000 election. It takes viewers on a political and social rollercoaster — from election night to 36 days later when the Supreme Court made the highly controversial decision to halt the recount and call the election for George W. Bush. Guest Greg Palast, who has been hailed “the most important investigative reporter of our time” and is the author of the recently released “Armed Madhouse,” will be on hand to discuss his groundbreaking BBC investigation into the 2000 election scandal and why the BBC was the only media outlet to broadcast it.

Activist Megan Matson, founder of the action group Mainstreet Moms, will address creating a system where people who care about election fraud, dirty politics and the disfranchisement of select groups of the population can band together and force change. Matson, who appeared in Mary Beth Brangan’s short film “Got Democracy?,” also touches on the dangers of electronic voting and what ordinary citizens can do to help preserve democracy for future generations.

The special will also feature a screening of director Robert Kane Pappas’ “Orwell Rolls in his Grave,” which provides an examination of modern media and its impact on our political culture, asking whether America has entered an Orwellian world of doublespeak where outright lies can pass for the truth. Pacifica Radio’s “Democracy Now!” host Amy Goodman will join via satellite to discuss the state of election reform.

Learn why you should care about the state of Democracy in the U.S. by tuning in.

About Link TV
Link TV is a non-commercial, independent television network available in more than 27 million U.S. homes on DIRECTV channel 375 and DISH Network channel 9410. The 24-hour programming is a mix of documentaries, international news, foreign films and the best of World Music. The network recently received the first satellite-only Peabody Award for MOSAIC: World News from the Middle East, a daily news show featuring English translations of national television reports from more than 24 countries in the Middle East. Select Link TV programs are streamed on the Internet at Link TV is operated by Link Media, Inc., a California non-profit organization, with production studios in San Francisco, New York and Washington, DC.