George Bush Officially Flips His Lid

With a 32% approval rate and tumbling, the Moron is now speaking to the lunatic fringe, thinking that he's a televangelist. When God is your foreign policy advisor, you know that you're in deep trouble.
Especially when that same God told the Moron that there would be NO casualties in the Iraq War.
Sounds like Dubya has been spending too much time with General Jerry "My God was bigger than his" Boykin.
Good thing that God loves us and not the Iraqis.
Heaven help us.
yeah, hopefully he won't be reelected in '08, eh weazl? morning to you.
p.s. - today is "holocaust remembrance day" or is that something you prefer to forget?
G'morning, afternoon, evening and night depending on where you are.
Too bad, grunt. But glad yer back. We missed ya.
Waaaay too much. And the worst part of it is, like any Third World banana republic, it goes into the hands of the "leaders" or, in this case, the Dick Cheney's grubby little fingers in the form of stock options and appreciated stock value. It's a joke. A sad joke, but a joke nonetheless.
But nothing is more funny than watching the Moron play televangelist. Simple minded idiot must've felt pretty disappointed that he couldn't get even an "Amen."
isn't it terrible that the cheneys gave eight million to charity last year? the nerve, when the rest of us are just trying to make our ten percent!
my husband used to work for an enron affiliate and i'm so treated that we didn't take stock options when they became available about seven years ago!
What does the amount of money Cheney gave to charity have to do with anything? He's looting the American taxpayers blind. And it can be sure that donations to charity were likely a way to minimize his tax incidence. The Dick doesn't seem particularly warm and fuzzy about the poor.
Well, of course, Duck. Isn't that the "Trickle Down Economics" pablum that they signed up to under Ronnie Baby? I think many are still waiting for the drops, while the fat cats are busy watersealing.
'scuse me, plucky? we do not settle for table scraps - we do and always have made a way for ourselves. we live well and are happy by no fault of anybody but ourselves. you assume too much. blood, sweat and tears is where it's at - our hands are not out to ANYBODY. we pay cash for nearly everything we possess.
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