Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Another Hypocritical ReThuglican . . .

The perversity never ceases. Quite similar to the Nazi sexual perversions and repressed sexuality of killers, the Bush Administration follows a long line of possible self haters as a result of repressed sexual sentiments. In the Bush Administration it may manifest itself in the likes of Republican National Congress head Ken Mehlman, new Bush Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten (see April 1rst entry), possibly Bush spokesman Scott McLellan, which may explain the incredible access given to male prostitute cum White House journalist Jeff Guckert/Gannon who had unprecedented access to the White House. This would follow a fabulous tradition of Kennedy conspirators who had the same problem of repressed sexuality that seemed to play itself out in other more savage venues: Clay Shaw, David Ferrie (their homosexuality is clearly spelled out in Joan Mellon's Farewell to Justice), possibly Lee Harvey Oswald, and his killer Jack Ruby.

Weazl is not saying there is any connection between being gay and being a murderer. But weazl does believe that sexual repression, especially in a hostile environment, may have some connection to bizzare, arguably sadistic behavior, eg. widespread sexual abuse in Catholic Church. With respect to the Nazi regime, the connection was most fully developed by Wilhelm Reich in The Mass Psychology of Fascism. And other writers have noticed a similar connection to the Bush cabal, as well.

Weazl readers may not agree, but methinks it has quite a history worth investigating. And certainly these people are not the primary movers and shakers of evil in the Bush criminal cabal, but a certain sadism and duplicity is well rewarded in this bunch.

Weazl was apparently onto more than he even realized. Addictional follow up found that Wayne Madsen Report noted this last year regarding the Pentagon's refusal to release more damning Abu Ghraib videos:

From WMR, Nov. 18, 2005:

There is good reason for the embarrassment of the Pentagon in the affair. The orders to take the sexually-oriented photos and videos, some of which involve teenage Iraqi boys and girls and sodomization by their guards, came directly from a pedophile and closeted male homosexual ring operating in the White House, according to the intelligence sources. Copies of the tapes and photos were sent directly to the White House for the entertainment of senior members of the Bush White House, including officials in the Vice President's office and the Executive Office of the President.

When the photos at Abu Ghraib became public, the senior military command structure in Iraq "went nuts," according to an individual who witnessed the cover-up of the affair. "They ordered an immediate policy of denial about details of the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib," said the source. The source added that senior officers were disgusted that lower ranking guards were prosecuted and jailed when the order for the mistreatment came directly from the White House.


Da Weaz said...

The best yet.

Da Weaz said...

I would be interested in the link between Hoover and Shaw.

beakerkin said...

Weasie you seem to enjoy impersonating women. A tad of represed homosexual desires or do you enjoy bullying women.

For all your arrogance and bluster you are just an ignorant psycopath.
Be a good societal misfit and take your meds.

I have never seen such a crybaby
on the web Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Da Weaz said...

Doc, welcome back! We've missed your particular brand of errant syllogisms and delightful lunacy.

You and grunt are the resident celebrities, and that you're able to gush about something other than the scourge of Islam is especially appreciated.

Don't be a stranger.

Anonymous said...


I know I'll probably regret this, but I am curious about all these Clinton scandals you mention. I'm admittedly bias, but honestly don't remember anything like the scale of corruption that the Republicans have managed. Do you have actual concrete examples that are comparable to DeLay or Abramoff?

I also don't think there's precident for the general refusal to investigate these things. You have to wonder how many more Republican scandals there would be if the house ethics committee were still active.

The whole Clinton blow-job thing is particularly interesting. Back then you could get impeached for lying about sex. Nowadays you can lie about serious national security issues, and not even get censured. Strange.