Thursday, April 20, 2006


And then when you're finished imagining, wake up to the reality that we have helped create.


American Crusader said...

What happened to the video of the two attacks at the World Trade Center? No aircraft flying into the Twin Towers? How about the genocide in Sudan?
No video of riots in France or demonstrations and violence because of cartoons?
No van Gogh murder shots? How about women being stoned or children mutilated?

Da Weaz said...

American Crusader? You want video of the planes flying into the World Trade Center? Great. Hope you have an hour and a half.

Sit back, relax, pull up a chair and be ashamed of your misleaders.

Da Weaz said...

By the way, American crusader, what do riots in France, women being stoned, killings in the Netherlands have to do with the United States? Should Europe invade the United States because of the barbarous practice of the death penalty? Were you one of the Republicans saying that Clinton abused the use of American military power by bombing Serbia? Were you one of the people who rant against the United States providing the UN with American peacekeepers?

Tell us, Crusader, what role should the United States have in Darfur? Were you a fan of Clinton use of American forces in Somalia?

Very interested in your response.

American Crusader said...

Thanks for visiting. I don't actually need to see more video of either attack on the Trade Center...93 or 2001. My only point being that video was very one-sided.
I will probably buy Neil Young's new album (CD...I'm getting too old) even though George Bush gets the short end of it. Neil Young's protest songs have been some of his best. And he was a Reagan supporter...

American Crusader said...

OK..I will try to cover some of your other questions.
I was against Somalia from the beginning...ordered by Bush not Clinton.
Is the death penalty more barbarous than third trimester abortions? It's wrong to kill murderers but protecting innocent life is wrong?
Clinton should have stayed out of Serbia. This was a European problem and Europe should have handled it.

I served in the military and would have refused to serve either NATO or the United Nations.

What's going on in Sudan is clearly genocide...where is the UN? And now it's spreading into Chad.

Da Weaz said...

You still never addressed the relevence of riots in France or killings in the Netherlands to something having to do with the US. And if you were against the US role in Somalia, when why do you bring up Sudan? And if you are against US troops serving in the UN then it seems even more absurd to bring up other nations problems in the context of things having to do with the United States.

Would be nice to find a bit of consistency. And unfortunately, when you ask me about the video, and I provide it, you don't wanna watch it.


American Crusader said...

The consistency is the ineptitude and the hypocrisy of the UN.
UN troops watched the Rwandan genocide happen but did nothing to stop it.
Now it's happened in the Sudan...again nothing.
This is why I would have refused an assignment to the United Nations.
Your original film/clip was a one-sided vision of US foreign policy, showing only negative consequences of fighting a GLOBAL war against terrorism...including events in Paris, Netherlands and elsewhere and not just events in Iraq.
I noticed the leader of China, President Ho Jintao's final stop was at Yale (how would you like to be called Ho all your life). Coincidence?

Da Weaz said...

There is no global war on terror, and if there were, the US would be losing. Terrorism has more that tripled in a year under the Moron's watch.

There is, however, a global struggle for resources. How much are you paying now for gas?

And simply put, if you think the UN didn't do enough in Rwanda, then seems that you really don't have much to complain about in Sudan.

Events in Paris have nothing to do with terror. And the events in the Netherlands have to do with Muslim and Right wing tensions, not some Al Qaeda hoax connection. The Dutch are quite unlikely to ask for Washington's help on its territory, and neither will France. And so, seems to me, that from a US perspective, such actions should be greeted with a famous New York, "Mindyabeezwax,buddy." Definitely, isn't a part of any fictitious War on Terror aka War as Error.

The Bush Cabal has thoroughly broken the country more effectively that Al Qaeda ever could, just as it has given China more jobs than Chairman Mao, and seems like you've been asleep at the wheel, not noticing how much better life was 5 years ago.