Thursday, April 20, 2006

Finally Telling Us What We Already Knew

But it's still never too late to acknowledge the obvious about our pet Moron.

But if somebody needs a bit more evidence, please go to GOOGLE, type ASSHOLE, then press "I'M FEELING LUCKY."

Google has upped the stakes from when "FAILURE" and "I'M FEELING LUCKY," did the trick.

Now what are the remaining thirty-sumpthin' percentage smokin'?


Da Weaz said...

Welcome to the "other side". You won't find the same screeching that you're used to (unless they've followed you here).

By the way, have you been on the FPM site? I left there quite a while ago before making the mistake of going to try to invite "my friends." I'm sure that I left there before you did.

Da Weaz said...

And if you wonder whether or not he's sane, you haven't been paying enough attention.

But here's a little help in that regard