Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Twist of Fate

Monday truly suffered a tragedy when a jury in Illinois convicted former Governor George Ryan of 18 counts of federal corruption stemming from favors to supporters and family members that do not appear far out of line with the pocket lining of other similarly situated politicians. Yet the saddest aspect of this relates to the fact that the former governor took a political gamble that was unprecedented: namely, determining that the Illinois death penalty system was so thoroughly racist, biased against the poor and unreliable that he commuted the death sentences of all 167 prisioners sitting on Illinois' death row before leaving office. For death penalty opponents and supporters of human rights, he was treated as a spokesperson and honoree, even being nominated for a Nobel Peace Price. For those craving some measure of vengence, he "spit in our faces."

And while the charges against George Ryan revolved around him giving benefits and favors to his family members, perhaps we should compare with some other nepotism within the Republican Party:

And then of course there's the drunk moron. What would life have been like without President CIA Chief Dad?

1 comment:

Da Weaz said...

Thanks for the head's up, grunt. Been a little quiet lately, hunh? But thanks for breaking the silence. Guess the full story is here: