Friday, April 21, 2006

Weekend at Weazl's -- Why We Fight

Yeah, I know, Friday isn't really the weekend. But weazl's been having a bit too much fun to write, so he thought he'd shift his Saturday offering a day earlier, and maybe write something dark and heavy a little later on (maybe the Moron will get the hint that fear and war are no longer trump cards, and weazl will have precious little to rant at. Okay, weazl's glasses aren't THAT rose tinted!)

Anyway, perhaps better than weazl's writing anyway is this movie, Why We Fight. So hopefully, you can find a few hours, and watch a great film. Then tell some friends! And in the unlikely event that you want to post, consider this an Open Thread. Enjoy.


Da Weaz said...

Maybe at the start, but not any more.

Anonymous said...

I remember liking Trading Places as a kid (one of Russo's films). Eddie Murphy was funny at around this time.


nanc said...

howdy, weazl - just lurking ;}

Da Weaz said...

Nanc, stop by anytime. (Knew you'd make it ;-) Now when we can get you to share some of those pearls of wisdom, then we'll know that we've made some progress.

nanc said...

i don't share well. you going to church this morning? it's a beauty day here in the ozarks!

Da Weaz said...

No, nanc , not a follower of your "Lord and Savior," but did hit some squash balls, went for a long run and am otherwise enjoyed the day with fine friends, drinking tea, eating quiche (yes, real men do), and enjoying the spring day. Does that count for something? ;-)

And you? Wonder what your preacher, pastor, minister told you today.

Curious minds want to know what words of wisdom are being told to the Arkansas faithful. That world might be quite foreign to weazl readers.

Da Weaz said...

"i don't share well."

Isn't that the whole point of the Christian thing? Hmmmm, somebody needs to read more of Paul the Liar's words.

nanc said...

it was a great sermon on principles and how they cannot be changed. like the saying, "you reap what you sow" - duh! ordinary people think they thought that up for themselves. i just remembered something important - we're ALL ordinary people. even you!

racquetball used to be my game. loved it. now for exercise i haul fifty pound sacks of feed and keep much acreage looking like a park - by hand. in the summer, we canoe when situations are right. see, i'm not the dork you think i am - good afternoon to you.

Da Weaz said...

Then if we're all ordinary people, then the idea of "celebrity" is a moot point, now isn't it?

I never said you were a dork. In fact, I've asked you to share with us your pearls of wisdom, and thankfully by saying what your sermon was about, you have. Not all of us get the point of view of an Arkansas woman, who is an active right wing Christian lifting feed in her spare time from being a housewife mother. So your point of view is interesting. Especially when you refrain from calling me a bunch of names and actually express yourself. :-)

nanc said...

i'm a recovering californian. i also work outside the home two days per week now (office administration - a/p, a/r, payroll, general secretarial) and am headed toward full time when the kids are out of school next month. you see, i quit work a number of years ago to stay at home with them when they were small. now that they're bigger than me - they are shoving ME out of the nest. that and they like their toys.

nanc said...

p.s. i'm an ordinary celebrity.

Da Weaz said...

So, nanc, here's the $25,000 question: you seem like a nice woman, two kids, husband, etc., what is the attraction of a site that seems to hate Muslims, hate gays, treats Israel as if it doesn't perpetrate significant human rights violations to make it the most sanctioned nation in the United Nations, want to bomb Iran, happy with the "progress" in Iran, saber-rattling against China, and wishing to deport up to 11 million Hispanics?

What makes a nice woman like you want to sign up?

nanc said...

i have no hate for people in me - it is some ideas i dislike intensely - and who's site might you be speaking? there are about 10 or 17 sites that i visit EVERY day. and what makes you want to change so many minds?

do you ever go to freedomnow? he is as different from me as night and day, but is one of my very best friends on the web. 'splain that? he's semi-vegetarian and i like red meat; he's pro-choice and i'm pro-life; he's an athiest and i'm a zionist christian. we do have some of the same ideals - weazl, you cannot MAKE people see your EVERY point of view. sometimes you must agree to disagree and remain civil. aren't you part of the "peace" movement?

my husband always says civility attracts more listeners than hatred. he may be a lot younger than me, but he is right.

i was reared in a left household, so you will never sway me with your propaganda - yes, i saw the photo of the little girl next to the blood-spattered wall. but i've also seen photos of aborted babies. which is more innocent? well, first you must be able to measure innocence.

nanc said...

p.s. - how come you're not roasting and toasting plucky at beak's? remember to be civil and you'll be welcome. beak is one of the most openminded people you'll come across in the www. as a matter of fact, i'm closeminded, but am willing to give you a chance to be human - that is of course if you're NOT a weasel!

nanc said...

p.p.s. please send my $25,000 to a worthy cause - my wealth will not allow me to take it!

Da Weaz said...

I know tbat I can't make people see my every point of view, but you didn't really answer the question, so you don't get the money. Why are you at a SITE that advocates all of those positions I stated? And you are quite a regular. What does a Zionist Christian mean? And since you're a self proclaimed Zionist Christian, please explain how the Palestinians fit into your picture.

Sorry, but Beaker has never written anything that has suggested that he's anything other than a half wit. He reminds me of the president. Some people my see a leader, a man with deep convictions, me I see a half witted moron who can hardly speak his first (and only) language, so steeped in criminality that in other times he'd be risking being hanged.

Beaker may not be as evil, but to me he sure as hell is just as dumb.

So you don't need to do him any favors, which is what you have been saying all along. AC has shown himself to be respectful and thoughtful, though I disagree with so much of what he says. And I always knew there was a spark in you below the namecalling.

And the rest I will judge as indivuals, based on my own criteria. So I hope you keep posting, and sharing your thoughts, including answering really the question what I asked. In short, why the pretty hate machine that is FPM?

nanc said...

ahhh, fpm - why didn't you say so? i appreciate the comraderie and have even on occasion given kudos to a leftist or two - i've taken a scolding for it, but have NEVER allowed anybody dictate to me how i'll feel about an individual - i am, after all nearly fifty and can and do make up my own mind. sometimes you all have a good idea and i'll be the first to recognize it - even if it means ostracization for a day or two from my own comrades. you see, i fear NO person.

but, and that's a very big but - i'll not be mary matalin to your james carville. i see much propaganda coming from the left and recognize it as such. i like beak even when i disagree with him - that's how it is in my world. there are times my own family disagrees with me, but we all still hang tight. you get that, don't you?

and, as a christian - israel is my future eternal home. laugh, but that is my firm belief and you will not change my mind on that issue. so we may as well talk about something else.

Da Weaz said...

Nanc, you still didn't answer the most important question: in your religious fervor, what are the rights and what is the role of the Palestinians?

nanc said...

why do YOU go to fpm, weazl?

Da Weaz said...

Don't think that's much of an answer, babes.

nanc said...

it took you more than 12 hours to recognize me - i don't think i owe you a thing. please don't call me baby, babe or babes - that is what my family affectionately calls me. even my son and it sounds kind of tacky coming from someone's mouth who barely even knows me. call me that one more time and i'll not acknowledge you even exist. i've stopped calling you names; how about you returning the favor? it's up to you.

Da Weaz said...

Okay, okay. I'll stop calling you babes. Especially if you answer the question. ;-)

nanc said...

the straight skinny is that the palis do not want to live peacefully with ANYBODY - so they should go back to their countries of origin and allow israel to be israel.

i don't want the chinese to come here and push u.s. around and would feel the same about any bully.

if you or anybody else wants to fund hamas or al aqsa or whomever, then you do it, but you do so at your own peril.

personally, i wish israel would grow some nards and say "ENOUGH" and drive their enemies out.

Da Weaz said...

Nanc, the Palestinians country of origin is where you call Israel. Palestinians didn't come from Germany, Russia, Poland, Italy and Czechoslovakia to live. Didn't anybody tell you that?

Has somebody told you that Palestinians has problems with other people? Which other people were they, nanc? Do you read the bible, nanc? Who do you think the Philistines are? They've been there all along.

So, nanc, what if the Palestinians "country of origin" is the land that is now called Israel? Do you think maybe that's why they don't have anyplace else to go?

Nanc, I thought general education did a bit better than to teach you that the Palestinian-Israeli problem was the result of migrant Palestinians wanting to relocate on Jewish lands. The problem is even deeper than I thought, but thanks for sharing. That is one in a million.

nanc said...

you should be thankful for me, weazl. now, why do you go to fpm? or have you been banned? i've been banned before.

Da Weaz said...

Thankful? For what? Entertainment? Nanc, it would be nice if you tried to learn a bit about the place you want to call your "eternal home." Might help.

Of course I was banned. I've been banned hundreds of times before. Because I've embarassed the folks who'd like people to believe the things that people like you believe. But glad that you're here. Maybe you'll have a chance to learn a bit about a history that you surely have missed.