Sunday, April 23, 2006

Dear Mr. President

Pink's refrain of "hard work" is a reference to the Bush-Kerry debate when he used the term 11 times. An edited compilation might look like this:


American Crusader said...

Pink, Pamela Anderson and KFC.
Pinks acumen for politics is extremely limited.
She didn't graduate high school and I don't think she even has a GED.
You are a Yale graduate so I know you at least understand both sides.
I doubt she has much opportunities to see other points of view.
I was in basic training when she was born.

Da Weaz said...

AC, I thought you'd give her a better shake than that. Does she need a Yale degree to think that people are suffering? Does she need an education to think that a single mom has a rough life and that it means hard work? Your points have been respectful, especially of me, and that is appreciated, but on this one I think it's sad that you would so easily dismiss her perspective. Especially when your rationale is that she likely won't understand both sides of a debate. Do you understand hers?

American Crusader said...

weaz...I just think she has a limited perspective. She has surrounded herself with like-minded people and really has never had the opportunity to see things from different points of view. The music industry isn't known for being a hotbed for Republican politics and since the age of 14, it's pretty much all she knows.
I don't know her personally so maybe I'm completely off base.
I liked her CD "Try This".

American Crusader said... still don't understand Adam Smith and laissez-faire capitalism. You should also reread Ayn Rand's works.

American Crusader said...

Just curious weaz...are you still working as a criminal attorney?
Don't think I could handle doing that. I'm too much a cynic.
After the military I received a master's in education from Florida International and taught school in Miami for several years before becoming disabled.

Anonymous said...

AC (and anyone else with a similar view) - I can't believe what I read.. how can you say that she has a limited view - how the hell do you know that? How do you know that she has surrounded herself with like-minded people? HOW do you know that? Do you spend time with her everyday?
I'm amazed when people make comments such as yours that are unfounded.. except for what you might read in a tabloid (and unless she is a very close relative of yours?)
Yikes, scary comment is all I can say.

More importantly, what she has to say IS IMPORTANT, just as what you have to say is important, no matter who she is. She's a human being with a voice - and a heart. And you? Do you 'feel' the craziness, the pain, the suffering of what is going on in the world, that your own Gov't is causing right outside your door?

Most artists are good at what they do because they feel.. they're connected. And we need people to BE CONNECTED, to feel, and to express themselves, that's what's missing within the masses these days, if you ask me.

Any view, and HOW it is acquired need not be validated by a degree. That's one of the most uneducated concepts I've ever heard.


Da Weaz said...

Not practicing as a criminal attorney now. Used to practice death penalty defense because it was the surest way to protect Constitional rights against those who would attack those who were the most vulnerable politically (but we ALL share those same rights, so if you fuck up theirs, you fuck up all of ours). But after 9/11, it wasn't just death row inmates who needed help, it was a broader segment, so I shifted my emphasis to try to make a difference to a people both domestically and beyond. And I realized that the law had been completely co-opted to not serve at all for the struggle for justice, or even for consistent application of the rule of law (see Bush v. Gore in light of Scalia, O'Connor, Rehnquist, Thomas' prior writings on federalism and state comity: just doesn't add up). Maybe I will fail, but it seemed absurd to be fighting for death row inmates when the government could come in and check out my library records because someone told someone that I (or someone else) was a terrorist.

America has really lost so much. Much, much more than people realize. And by the way, I was a born and bred New Yorker, so I know how much things have changed. And maybe some people think that locking up the homeless, mentally ill, prostitutes and drug addicts makes New York nice for families, but for me it just ruined the city. And that was before September 11th. Now when I've gone back and seen all of these machine gun wielding jackbooted cops, I know the city that I grew up in is dead. And by the way, AC, I was in Paris in December, the same Paris you mention is a poster child for a so called War on Terror, and yet again loved it as the city I lost. There's a big world out there, with beautiful people, and many don't speak English, many may even be Muslim, and the America that you seem to rally behind is an America that is hurdling towards self destruction for failing to realize what I just mentioned.

And AC, I agree with anonymous, you have really no basis to say anything about Pink's world view. Regardless of who she grew up with, where, when and how long she was educated, who she hangs with, she has a voice that could, should and is heard. In fact, MORE voices, not less should be heard. Speaking of both sides of an issue, when has Bush spoken of the plight of a single mother, spoken of the "collateral damage" ensuing to the families of killed Iraqis or Afghanis. What two sides of an issue does Bush understand? Bush, to me, appears so stupid as to not know how to escape from a tied shoe lace.

Da Weaz said...

And AC, the reason I went to a school like Yale is to make sure nobody ever dismissed me, my opinions or my humanity like you just did to Pink.

And that is a sad thing.

American Crusader said...

Most artists are good at what they do because they feel.. they're connected.

I hope you enjoyed the "piss Jesus" exhibition funded by your tax dollars. Did you feel the connection?

American Crusader said...

"More importantly, what she has to say IS IMPORTANT, just as what you have to say is important, no matter who she is. She's a human being with a voice - and a heart."

Cry me a river...I'm sure if it was Ann Coulter, Jerry Miller or Debbie Schlussel I wouldn't have heard violin music in the background.

American Crusader said...

"Bush, to me, appears so stupid as to not know how to escape from a tied shoe lace."

Well he is a Yale graduate

Da Weaz said...

Exactly. Exhibit A of why those tags don't actually mean shit.

nanc said...

peter jennings was a high school dropout.