Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fear, Fascism and Disappearing Freedoms


The Free Flying Critically Thinking Socrates said...

I record Keith Olbemann, MSNBC, every evening and watch it later without commercials. I saw this one live and was not surprised by any of it. Bush is Hitler. We have already established that. And since no one in the world intends to spank, stop, or liquidate him we just have to suck it up.

I should now wish to share this enchanting little story with the multitudes of nonexistent people possessing integrity and strength:

It's about a couple who were denied permission to rent an apartment because the man had tatoos on his arms.

I say hooray.

People with visible tatoos are scumbags. Period. On this point I don't budge and let the chips fall where they may.

The Free Flying Critically Thinking Socrates said...

Try this:

Anonymous said...

A sweeping statement socrates, old boy, many upstanding individuals adorn tattoos:


Anonymous said...

Let me give you that again...


Anonymous said...


This post is droping the last bit of the URL, just 'pg' to the last address.

The Freewheeling Socrates said...

People with tatoos, especially those who refer to them as "body art" are losers. They tend toward the unenlightened, unwashed, barbaric side of being.

Hell's angels, black and hispanic gang members, and the majority of prison inmates display lots of tatoos on arms, torso, neck, head, and many on the face.

anonymous, if you think sporting tatoos is respectable, you must come from the ghetto where poor uneducated scum sport tatoos, love smelling their own farts, musical beds with random neighbors, and represent the lower 1/3rd of the human gene pool.

Anonymous said...

You clearly didnt click on the link I provided earlier either that or you lack a sense of ironic humour.


Da Weaz said...

I clicked the link, and I think it is funny.

Soc might be angry because he sees guys like that in the yard every day.