Monday, January 01, 2007

Unsolicited email worth posting: Very interesting. Weazl agrees.

The Green Zone Follies

Baghdad, 31 Dec 06: “When Baghdad fell to U.S. troops in 2003, an organized campaign of looting began. CIA officers, CIC personnel and others made frantic searches in official Iraqi records, looking for any documents that would prove that Saddam had been the creature of the CIA and had launched his attacks on Iran at the request of U.S. authorities. It is known that the CIA supplied Saddam with Sarin, a deadly nerve gas, which he used on the Kurds and not the Iranians (as intended by Washington.) Much was found but much had vanished and there is still an ongoing search for papers that could cause many criminal indictments, both in the DoS and the CIA.

Also, speaking of Saddam, it is the U.S.l that executed him not the Iraqis. It was Special Forces men with masks that did the job. It seems Bush insisted on this.

Back to thieving. At the same time there were frantic searches for incriminating documents, there was a parallel search for Iraqi liquid funds: gold bars, U.S. dollars and gold coins were looked for. Billions in cash were taken in between 2000 and 2003 because of a trade agreement between Saddam and Syria.

Now, we have a plane full of FBI, Treasury and DoS agents crawling all over the country (at least where it is safe i.e., the Green Zone) trying to find the money, which has vanished. In 2003, a great deal of money was found and stolen, mostly by U.S. civil administration personnel and top U.S. military brass who are now very, very rich.

Bush, it is said at the highest levels here, has no problems with this because he himself has been on the take for years. But the ten billion dollars taken in has vanished. Our generals and the Bremer people never found it. DoS has been sniffing around in Switzerland and the DHS has been tapping into foreign bank accounts looking for it but so far, no luck. All of this, by the way, is coming from a ‘Cosmic’ level report that I have been reading after it was passed around my office. Bush feels that since the U.S. paid Saddam, now that they have killed him, they ought to get the money back. All ten billion of it.

The U.S. has become so universally despised that foreign governments, especially those of Switzerland, Denmark, Japan, and Pakistan, suddenly have become politely uncooperative and know nothing. Fragments of records indicate that transfers were made to banks and other financial institutions during this period but so far, the U.S. has had little luck.

These enormous funds did not include Iraqi funds siezed by the U.S. and England at the start of the war, and, of course split up among the top people. The new U.S.-controlled Iraqi government, naturally, wants to lay their hands on this to hide away in their own Swiss accounts against the day when Bush has his putsch and replaced them with a new military dictatorship but they aren’t any closer to it that their puppet masters.

They are making preparations for an infusion of 20,000 new troops here in the “immediate future.” Cadres will be shipped here along with large numbers of ‘weekend warriors’ from the National Guards and many recalled reservists. Then, a great “Final Drive to Victory” (as the official papers call it) and Bush can then have the military throw out the present very corrupt and vicious puppet government, (and, it is suggested strongly here by the top brass, being shot in groups of ten in some dismal cellar run by the CIA) put in a new Saddam and proclaim “a great victory for democracy” (again from the papers) to the Americans, take his loot and retire to a private, and easily defended, new location.

This sort of bare-faced theft, murder and manipulation is ruining the morale among the less cynical of the officers here but Bush and Cheney don’t care as long as they get theirs. They don’t give a fast fuck about the huge and growing death lists. What none of you hear about are the small mutinies, suicides, self-mutilations, drug overdoses, desertions, terrible combat injuries and serious mental illnesses our boys are suffering and, like the casualties, in sharply increasing numbers. The only people who are making a profit from this war are the crooked Republican contractors, the White House and the makers of coffins and rubber body bags.”

1 comment:

Da Weaz said...

Well, this century the weak will definitely fade. By 2100 it's expected by James Lovelock, premier scientist of global warming, that humans globally will constitute around 500 million: these will not be the poor and the dark. These people will largely be gone.