Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Eve

Well, what can you say? 2006 has been quite a memorable year: The year Iraq completely spun out of control, the year where North Korea blew holes in Bush's inept policy in that part of the world, the year where NATO started beating a retreat in Afghanistan, the year where even the flat earth, flat heads couldn't deny global warming, the year where Israel's slavish policy towards the US got it defeated in Lebanon, the year where Iran moved from likely target to regional superpower as the US military started crumbling, the year where even head-in-the-sand Americans voted Rethug bums out only to replace them with Democrat weaklings, the year of NSA wiretap exposures, legalizing torture, gays popping out of the Rethug closet like corks on, um, tonight!, when 911 evidence got even more traction and started spilling into the international press (Dutch), when Hugo Chavez's anti-Bush rants got Southern Hemisphere cheers at the UN, when Dummy Rummy bowed out, when "cut and run" was scrapped and tossed, when more South American countries like Bolivia went strongly to the Left, and Daniel Ortega returned to Nicaragua, when mass rapes and killings of Iraqi civilians got attention, though remained largely unpunished, when people started realizing the extent of the slaughter upon the Lanclet's survey of 655,000 Iraqi deaths, when it came out that we are cooking Iraqis with microwave and laser devices, when Stephen Colbert spat the Moron's failure right in his face, when people started realizing that the Iraqi War will likely bankrupt an already bankrupt USA, when Russia returned, laughing at the USA, Italy, Israel and nearly the whole of Europe, when the Constitution was scrapped for American citizens and everyone else, when US exported its vote stealing apparatus to Mexico and was met with strong resistance, when the Moron destroyed both the US Army and the US dollar, where Bush's idiocy was exposed in creating nearly a civil war in Palestine and Lebanon (Gemayal assassination) and started proxy wars and backing warlords in Somalia, when the Bush found new people to ignore in the "Iraq Study Group," and of course the grand finale: the year of the utter US hypocrisy in its hanging of its own self created scapegoat: Saddam.

And it was also the year where we said bye-bye to the booger-eating Bush buddy bastard Berlusconi:

and the year that the Moron should've been charged with sexual harassment:

This was the year weazl got started. Next year looks to be an even more wild ride.

Drink heartily as if these were the last days. Nothing is guaranteed under the stewardship of these criminals. Just put on your seat belt.



Anonymous said...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Both, I suppose. It has been quite a year, much of it dark. A good year to you, weaz. May it be better for all of us.

Da Weaz said...

Let's hope so.

It was also a year of making new friends and contacts. That deserves mention.